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同位素识别仪Radioactive Isotope Identification DeviceModel 940

同位素识别仪Radioactive Isotope Identification Device

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:Model 940
  • 生 产 地:美洲
  • 访问:286次
  • 发布日期:2011/3/17(更新日期:2017/8/25)


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Model 940 同位素识别仪Radioactive Isotope Identification Device

Surveillance and Measurement (SAM)


• Completely portable isotope identification system in one hand

• Indentification of multiple radionuclides concurrently within one second

• Special Nuclear Material (SNM) detection, enhanced with integrated
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Model 940 同位素识别仪Radioactive Isotope Identification Device

Surveillance and Measurement (SAM)



• Completely portable isotope identification system in one hand

• Indentification of multiple radionuclides concurrently within one second

• Special Nuclear Material (SNM) detection, enhanced with integrated

neutron detection option

• Spectra and user settings transfer easily to PC through

CompactFlash card, Ethernet, or USB adapter

• Operates for over 6 hours on standard AA batteries


Emergency Response, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security,

Undercover Surveillance, HAZMAT, Industrial, Medical, Radiation Safety,

Passenger and Freight Monitoring, Non-proliferation Enforcement, Health Physics,

Environmental Waste Monitoring, Unattended/Remote Monitoring


Radioactive Isotope Identification Device (RIID)

The SAM 940

New radioactive isotope identification instruments from Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation (BNC) offer specialized options

for use in the health physics, law enforcement and homeland security industries. The SAM Defender (standard resolution)

and SAM Resolver (high resolution) are portable radiation identification systems developed to provide simple operation

for the first responder who needs to react quickly, as well as detailed analyses for the sophisticated technical user. Several

modes of operation give all users the information they need right at their fingertips.

Detector Options:

The SAM 940

New radioactive isotope identification instruments from Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation (BNC) offer specialized options

for use in the health physics, law enforcement and homeland security industries. The SAM Defender (standard resolution)

and SAM Resolver (high resolution) are portable radiation identification systems developed to provide simple operation

for the first responder who needs to react quickly, as well as detailed analyses for the sophisticated technical user. Several

modes of operation give all users the information they need right at their fingertips.


Detector Options:

The SAM systems offer several detector choices:

Sodium Iodide: For isotope identification, good efficiency and optimum price/performance, the Sodium Iodide option

(NaI) gives users fast and accurate identification at an excellent value. The NaI option utilizes advanced algorithms to

discriminate peaks and identify sources in real time.

Lanthanum Bromide: For the professionsal spectroscopist, an optional LaBr detector is available for the SAM system.

This new material offers the end users a typical resolution of 2.8% at 662 KeV and ensures the spectroscopic reports have

unparalleled analytical capability.

Lithium: For Sensitive Nuclear Material detection or safeguarding of WGPu, the Lithium (6Lil) option for the SAM

system allows users to alarm on neutrons and perform a variety of coincidence checks, comparing peak analysis with the

presence of neutron radiation.

First Isotope Identifier RIID Designed After ANSI 42.34

For years, the Surveillance and Measurement System (SAM) family of instruments has been synonymous with high overall

performance in a portable isotope identifier. The earliest SAM model was the first real-time radiation area monitor capable

of isotope identification in one second. A later model was the first device to give field operators the ability to identify

sources on the move without having to stop and hold position while the instrument collected data. BNC continues its legacy

of technical progression with the release of the Model 940 designed in response to ANSI 42.34 (American National

Standard Performance Criteria for Hand-held Instruments for the Detection and Identification of Radionuclides).


First Isotope Identifier RIID Designed After ANSI 42.34

For years, the Surveillance and Measurement System (SAM) family of instruments has been synonymous with high overall

performance in a portable isotope identifier. The earliest SAM model was the first real-time radiation area monitor capable

of isotope identification in one second. A later model was the first device to give field operators the ability to identify

sources on the move without having to stop and hold position while the instrument collected data. BNC continues its legacy

of technical progression with the release of the Model 940 designed in response to ANSI 42.34 (American National

Standard Performance Criteria for Hand-held Instruments for the Detection and Identification of Radionuclides).

The systems offer a variety of Gamma Detectors and an optional Neutron Detector. A convenient Ethernet connection, CompactFlash

card, USB adapter, or RS-232 ensure easy data storage, archive, or transfer. Spectral reporting is generated in XML compliant

formats according to the ANSI N42.42 standard. An auxiliary port allows the use of application-specific third party hardware

such as a GPS (global positioning system), Bluetooth data transmission, or wireless 802.11 / ZigBee protocol. The new compact,

portable, and lightweight enclosure is ergonomically designed for single-hand operation which is ideal for downrange use or in

hot zone environments. Whether your work involves emergency response, interdiction, or environmental clean-up, the new SAM

Defender and SAM Resolver will deliver the most advanced tools available in a portable isotope identifier.


SAM 940 Features

1. High Performance Gamma/Neutron Detectors

Choose from NaI, 6Lil, or LaBr options

2. IP56 Rated Enclosures & Cable Assembly

Ideal for field environments, rain, dust, vibration, etc.

3. Battery Compartment

Uses standard or rechargeable AA batteries

4. Handheld, Ergonomic Package

Reduces fatigue during extended field use

5. Detector Retention Clip

Hot-swap detectors for various applications

6. Workglove Friendly Soft-Keys

With Tactile Feedback

Ideal for operators wearing PPE

7. Ultra-Bright Transreflective

32000-color Display

Effective for outdoor, any-angle viewing

8. Light-Weight System

4.5 lbs. with detector included

9. Water-Resistant I/O Panel

Includes network ready connectivity, flash memory

card, backup of ANSI compliant reports

10. Auxiliary Port

Provides serial communication, GPS integration,

AC power, third party applications

11. Temperature Stabilized Detector Circuitry

With norm auto-calibration

12. Stable Base Unit

Convenient for lab analysis or optional tripod

mount for fixed geometry applications


SAM 940 Specifications

Essential Services

To address the complexity and benefits of using the SAM Handheld Isotope Identifier instruments, our team of health

physicists and first responder trainers offer a variety of support services. From classroom exercises to onsite field

testing, Berkeley Nucleonics has built an enhanced support architecture to give you application-specific solutions.

We offer onsite and regional training programs, custom application development, and a robust reachback program

that supports a range of radiation detection.



940-2-G SAM Defender Isotope Identifier 2x2 NaI 7% Resolution

940-2-GN SAM Defender GN Isotope Identifier w/ Neutron 2x2 NaI, 6Lil 7% Resolution

940-3-G SAM Defender Isotope Identifier 3x3 NaI 7% Resolution

940-3-GN SAM Defender GN Isotope Identifier w/Neutron 3x3 NaI, 6Lil 7% Resolution

940-2-L SAM Resolver High Resolution Isotope Identifier 1.5 x 1.5 LaBr 2.8% Resolution



NaI, 6Lil, or optional LaBr

Digital signal-processing MCA

18 keV – 3 MeV

320 x 240 high brightness 32000-color 3.5” transflective LCD display

10/100 Ethernet port and CompactFlash reader with USB adapter

8 standard AA batteries

4.5 lbs. with 2” x 2” NaI detector and batteries

12” L x 4” H x 5” W (excluding detector)


-20 to 50°C

7-key custom keypad with one-thumb operation

Visual (on screen) and Audio (internal speaker or optional headphones)

2” x 2” or 3” x 3” NaI detector options, with or without Neutron detector

Integral HV bias supply and optional LaBr detector

Quadratic Compression Conversion (QCC) allows for identification of mixed isotopes in one second

Provides 97% I.D. confidence level in 2 seconds

Serial GPS receiver for spectral report mapping, wireless communications

Type: Base converter 14-bit pipelined-flash

Conv. Modes: Linear 256, 512, 1024

QCC 256, 512 (U.S. Patent 5,608,222)

Automatic stabilization with temperature

Modifications of isotopes and their associated energy lines, either in the field or using Microsoft Excel®

Essentially no limit to number of isotopes or lines

Sound and language preferences can be changed

Standard N42.34 ANSI isotopes, ITRAP/IAEA list, medical, industrial, SNM, or user-defined lists

Nuclide identification, spectrum analysis, dose rate calculation (rem/Sv), total dose, audible search tool, data logging




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