您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 安捷伦agilent光探头81624A 81624B 156449386八曾
QQ:494842270 曾经理1356449386八
The Agilent 81624B optical power heads are specially designed for low PDL, low spectral ripple and high return loss and are used for optical component test. The heads come with a magnetic D-shape adapter and provide a safe stand. The optical heads have to be operated with the single (Agilent 81618A) or dual (Agilent 81619A) interface modules.
These modules are controlled in any configuration in any of the mainframes 8163B, 8164B and 8166B. A highly flexible connector interface palette addresses connectorized, bare fiber or open beam applications.
Low PDL uncertainty ±0.002dB
Large area detector 5mm
Low relative uncertainty reduces the impact of connectorizing and fiber handling and leads to a robust test setup
The large area detector is less susceptible for connector misalignment and guarantees highly repeatable measurement results. Lower power per mm2 makes the optical head more suitable for high power measurements and guarantees better linearity
普真仪上海有限公司 联系人 曾经理 1356449386八 零 QQ 494842270
曾 销售经理
shpuzheny 普真仪上海有限公司
494842270@qq.com aping-song@sohu.com
上海 闵行区龙柏二村 201103
普真仪上海有限公司专业致力于全新及二手电子通信测试仪器仪表的销售,租赁,维修,等业务,涉及品牌主要有HP/Agilent, Fluke, Keithley, Bird, Maconi LeCroy, W&G, R/S, HAMEG, Anritsu, Advantest,自成立以来,已经为全国,包括港,澳,台等地区的厂商,科研单位,各类院校及队提供了大量质优价廉的仪器仪表,并获得行业内的好评。
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供应GN Nettest OTDR模块CMA4456 单模多模
QQ:494842270 曾经理:1356449386八现货单模多模OTDR CMA4000I GN Nettest Optical Test System 模块4456 CMA 4000 QUAD
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