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The AntarisTM II system is the next evolution of the first, dedicated FT-NIR analyzer designed specifically for use in the industrial environments of the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, chemical and polymer industries.
The Standard for NIR Analyzer DesignThe Antaris FT-NIR analyzer continues to set the standard for the design and manufacture of full-range, near infrared analyzers. Antaris sets the standard by including:
Selecting the correct sampling tool is crucial in solving sample analysis that were traditional performed by wet-chemistry techniques.The Antaris II Method Development System (MDS) provides a simple solution. The MDS contains all the tools needed to analyze solids, liquids, powders, pastes, and tablets.
The MDS is ideal for method development as it provides the best sampling technique for the analysis at hand. The MDS also offers everything needed to run any sample, without reconfiguring the analyzer or changing accessories:
In addition to the MDS, the Antaris II can also be configured with any combination of the sampling modules, creating a customized and dedicated analyzer. The tablet transmission module is available for systems configured with the integrating sphere.
Thermo Fisher Scientific(纽约证交所代码:TMO)是全球科学服务领域的领导者。我们致力于帮助客户使世界更健康、更干净、更安全。公司年销售额超过90亿美元,拥有员工约30000人,在全球范围内服务超过350000家客户。我们的客户包括:医药和生物公司,医院和临床诊断实验室,大学、科研院所和政府机构,以及环境与工业过程控制装备制造商等。我们借助于Thermo Scientific和Fisher Scientific这两个主要的品牌,帮助客户解决在分析化学领域从常规的测试到复杂的研发项目中所遇到的各种挑战。Thermo Scientific能够为客户提供一整套包括高端分析仪器、实验室装备、软件、服务、耗材和试剂在内的实验室综合流程解决方案。Fisher Scientific为卫生保健,科学研究,以及安全和教育领域的客户提供一系列的实验室装备、化学药品以及其他用品和服务。我们将一同努力为客户提供最为便捷的采购方案,为科研的飞速发展不断地改进我们的工艺技术,提升客户价值,帮助股东提高收益,为员工创造良好的发展空间。
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