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The O2X1 is a small, two-wire, loop-powered oxygen transmitter with an advanced galvanic fuel-cell sensor and linear output. It is certified as intrinsically safe and weatherproof to NEC and CENELEC codes.Besides the standard stainless steel version, the O2X1 is also available in two other packages:
The first package is a lower-cost package using Delrin for the wetted parts of the transmitter. This package has the same 1/8 in (3.175 mm) NPTF processes connections as the standard stainless steel O2X1 and is suitable for all ranges except the lowest PPM oxygen range.
The second package makes the Delrin design suitable for ambient air oxygen monitoring by providing a diffusion cut-out in the lower manifold to expose the sensor. This package comes with an aluminum mounting bracket for mounting the O2X1 to any convenient wall location.
Features and Benefits
Measures oxygen from 1.0 ppm to 25 percent
Six field-programmable ranges
Repeatability ± 1 percent of span
Self-contained cell requires no maintenance
4 to 20 mA, loop powered, 9 to 28 VDC
Hitech Instruments (英国哈奇)于1981年在英国卢顿注册成立,是集气体分析仪设计、生产和经销为一体的专业厂家。 成立以来,我们一直是各种工业领域用气体分析仪的主要供货商之一。独特的创新设计理念为我们在不同的行业应用中赢得了极佳的口碑。 我们每种系列产品都配备有一套补充选件,通过精心构思设计,我们的标准产品可以满足大多数用户的需求。 对于那些特殊工况,我们运用模块化设计方法很容易为用户开发从简单改造到复杂多气体仪表的特制方案。如用户需要,我们还可以为这些分析仪配备特制的样气调节系统。 自从1989年成为MTL仪器仪表集团成员以来,Hitech已在世界上大多数工业国家建立了完善的经销网络。 我们检测或监测氨气、氩气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、氯气、氟利昂、氦气、氢气、氪气、甲烷、氖气、氧化氮、二氧化氮、氧气、六氟化硫、氙气……以及多种其他气体
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