您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > > 无损检测仪器 > 测厚仪 > bestep锡膏膜厚测试仪,LTT-H80锡膏测厚仪
●330mmx300mm (530mmx460mm)Large measuring area to meet using request;
●Programmed test system and operation with quick and view ;
●Auto-search and inspect also rectify offset ;
●Autocom pensation and correct warp as well as distotion to get accurate data on solder paste;
●Integrated high-speed servo system of JaPan COOL MUSCLE with high speed and high precision;
●Powerful SPC analyse software for data statistic
●Warning and building CP、CPK、X-BAR、R-CHART、SIGMA histogram R&C&S&P distrbuting chart、straight chart、trend chart、control chart automatically;
●Inspection for section slip and analyse after scanning image ,as well as 2D;
●Exact and reliable hard system provide creditable data and long life;
●Muti-fuction test for over solder paste;
●Auto-save the test data and build SPC report so that review in future;
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