您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 电工电气 > 电线、电缆 > 电缆 > 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆MHYV、MHYVR、MHYVRP
scope of application:this product is fit for being laid in fixed placed in mines for the connection of communication trunk lines and junction box and telephones.
执行标准 standards implemented: q/3210hl29-2003
型号、名称及使用范围 model desc-riptions and use scope
型 号 model | 名 称 desc-riptions | 使 用 范 围 scope of application |
mhvv(huvv) | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pvc insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中一般场合 general circumstances in mines |
mhvvr(huvvr) | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套软电话电缆 pvc insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed soft telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中分线盒、分线箱与电话机连接的场合 where connection between junction box and telephone is required in mines |
mhvv22(huvv22) | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pvc insulated steel tape armored fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中承受一定冲击力和压力的场合 where cables are under some impact and pressure in the mine |
mhvv32(huvv32) | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘细圆钢丝铠装阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pvc insulated fine round steel wire armored fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中垂直敷设或承受较大拉力的场合 vertically laid or laid where the cables are under big impact and pull force in mines |
mhyv(huyv) | 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pe insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中一般场合 general circumstances in mines |
mhyvr(huyvr) | 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套软电话电缆 pe insulated fire retardant pvc sheathed soft telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中一般场合 general circumstances in mines |
mhyv22(huyv22) | 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pe insulated steel tape armored fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中承受一定冲击力和压力的场合 where cables are under some impact and pressure in the mine |
mhyv32(huyv32) | 煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘细圆钢丝铠装阻燃聚氯乙烯护套电话电缆 pe insulated fine round steel wire armored fire retardant pvc sheathed telephone cables for use in mines | 矿井中垂直敷设或承受较大拉力的场合 vertically laid or laid where the cables are under big impact and pull force in mines |
iiiustration of cable structure
使用特性 service characteristics
电缆长期允许工作温度 long-term service temperature of the cable conductor | -40℃-+50℃ |
电缆敷设温度 cable laying temperature | ≥-10℃ |
+25℃时环境相对湿度 environment relative humidity at 25℃ | ≤95% |
电缆的最小弯曲半径 minimun bending radius | mhvv mhyv mhvvr mhyvr 型电缆为电缆外径的15倍,其它型号为外径的20倍 15 times of the cable outer diameter of mhvv mhyv mhvvr mhyvr, and 20times for the rest |
电缆规格 specifications
型 号 model | 规 格 specifications | 导体结构(根数/直径)mm conductor structure(number/diameter) |
mhyvr mhvvr | 1x2 | 1/0.28镀锡铜线 +6/0.28镀锡钢线 1/0.28 tinned copper wire +6/0.28 tinned steel wire |
mhvv22 mhvv32 mhyv22 mhyv32 | 2x2-100x2 | 1/0.5; 1/0.8 |
mhvv mhyv | 1x2-100x2 | 1/0.5; 1/0.8 |
电缆主要技术性能 major technical performances
1、 电缆导体直流电阻及固有衰减
dc resistance of the conductor and intrinsic attenuation
型 号 model | +20℃导体直流电阻(≤ω/km) dc resistance of conductor at 20℃ | 固有衰减(800hz)≤db/km intrinsic attenuation |
mhvvr mhyvr | 260 | 4.63 |
mhvv22 mhvv32 mhyv22 mhyv32 mhvv mhyv | 95(0.5mm); 36.7(0.8mm) | 1.32(0.5mm); 0.95(0.8mm) |
2、电缆其它技术性能 other major technical performances
序 号 serial number | 项 目 items | 型 号model:mhvv mhvvr mhvv22 mhvv32 | 型 号model:mhyv mhyvr mhyv22 mhyv32 | |
1 | +20℃线芯导体直流电阻(ω/km) line core dc resistance at 20℃ | 见上表 see above table | ||
2 | 电缆固有衰减(≤dm/km) cable intrinsic attenuation | 见上表 see above table | ||
3 | +20℃绝缘电阻(≥mω·km) insulating resistance at 20℃ | 110 ; 40(mhvvr) | 3000 ; 110(mhyvr) | |
4 | 1min工频交流电压试验 lmin power frequency alternating current pressure test | 芯-芯core - core 芯-铠装层core - armoring | 1000v不击穿 1000v no breakdown | 1500v不击穿 1500v no breakdown |
5 | 工作电容(≤μf/km) service capacity | 0.12 | 0.06 | |
6 | 单根垂直燃烧试验 single wire burning test | mt386 | ||
7 | 成束燃烧试验 group burning test | 符合gb/t 18380.3标准中b类成束试验要求 conforms to gb/t18380.3 standard b types group test |
天津市电缆总厂第一分厂是生产6xv1830-0eh10总线电缆,矿用通信电缆,矿用控制电缆,电话电缆,信号电缆,矿用电话电缆及市内通信电缆ZR-HYA23 HYA23 WDZ-HYA23 HYA HYAT HYAC HYA53 HYA22 HPV HYV的专业性厂家,是中国矿业公司定点生产企业,我厂的主要产品有矿用通信电缆、矿用信号电缆,矿用控制电缆,矿用监测电缆,矿用监控电缆,矿用防爆电话线,矿用防爆通讯电缆,市内通信电缆,铠装通信电缆,通信电源电缆,铁路信号电缆,局用电缆,配线电缆,计算机电缆,机场助航用灯光电缆等,同时还可以根据客户的要求设计生产各类专用特种电缆。 天津市电缆总厂第一分厂生产的矿用通信电缆、矿用信号电缆,矿用控制电缆,矿用监测电缆,矿用监控电缆,矿用防爆电话线,矿用防爆通讯电缆广泛应用于矿井综合自动化控制系统、煤矿综合监控系统、安全生产监控及调度管理系统、选煤厂调度系统、井下通讯系统和现代井下小灵通信号的传输。在广大客户的支持下,本公司产品已被国内多家矿业集团、企业、公司所采用,通信电缆以及通信电源用阻燃软电缆和北京电信公司签署了长期合作意向书,同时销往西昌卫星发射基地以及中国运载火箭研究总院在不间断电源设备中使用,深受广大用户的衷爱和信赖。 天津市电缆总厂第一分厂占地面积50000㎡,建筑面积30000㎡,拥有固定资产3800多万元,现有员工250余人,其中各类专业技术人员56余人.生产设备齐全,技术力量雄厚,管理体制严格,检测手段完善,并不断加大技术开发力度,满足用户需求。多年来,我厂坚持以科技兴厂,以严格的质量保证体系提升产品质量,产品覆盖全国,近年来我厂抓住销售为龙头成立了20多个销售部,年销售额突破了亿元,我厂将继续以科技为先导;以管理为后盾;以为用户服务为目的。自强不息,与新老用户携手并进,共创美好华夏!公司董事长毕正平携全体员工欢迎您的光临与指导!!
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