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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:浙江
  • 访问:1173次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)


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  • 详细内容
  • 公司简介
七星企业主导产品:胶体磨JM系列、胶体泵ZB系列品质超群、久享盛誉,深得海内外客商的青睐。尤其,整体不锈钢各型胶体磨拥有多项专利,属国内首创,外形新颖,环保节能,体积小,效益高等特点。 取得了实破性成果,成功应用于菠萝、芦荟、仙人掌等果汁、涂料、生化、新材料及研究等领域生产的使用。比如采购设备单位:、苏州非金属矿研究院、天津化工研究设计院、黑龙江省化工研究院、南京医科大学、武汉化工学院、武汉理工大学、海南省药物研究所、重庆钰鑫集团亚原生物技术公司、广州立白集团、厦门古龙集团、徐州恩华药业集团、南京蓝本科技研究所、河北省农业大学、昆明中友集团新材料公司、浙江康恩贝养颜堂药业公司、深圳金刚源新材料科技发展公司、北海果香园果汁有限公司、江苏三木芦荟有限公司、福清新大泽螺旋藻有限公司、上海哈勃化学技术有限公司等用户。给广大用户选购设备提供更大空间和余地,使设备资源得到充分利用。

  七星企业自从创业至今,本着“团结拼搏、敢于领先”的方针,凭借坚实的基础,不断的创新, 现拥有中国专利技术多项,拥有一批精良加工机械和专用配套设备。“以科技创新求发展,以质量信誉求生存”的经营理念。专业致力于研制生产乳品设备、食品饮料机械、药化机械如:乳品、鲜奶、酸奶生产线,果汁饮料、茶饮料生产线,豆奶、花生奶生产线,纯净水、矿泉水生产线配套设备,主导产品有: 多功能胶体磨colloidn mill研磨机、超微粒磨浆机、湿式粉碎机、胶磨机、螺杆浓浆泵、不锈钢转子泵、胶体泵、水粉混合器、高剪切分散乳化机、均质乳化机、混合机、打浆机、板式换热器、各种过滤设备、饮料泵、混合泵、高压均质泵及管道阀门配件,提供生产工艺、工程安装、设备调试一条龙服务的高科技型的生产企业。

 As a high-tech joint stock enterprise, Wenzhou Sevenstars Dairy Equipment Factory was Zhejiang Ouhai Seven Star Dairy Equipment Plant gathering production, trade, scientific research, information, service and other functions in one. It is a member unit of China Association for Quality Inspection, China Light Industry Machinery Association, China Food and Packing Machinery Industry Association, Wenzhou Longwan Food and Pharmacy Industry Association, etc., it has already passed ISO9001 international quality management system certification, received AAA grade credit enterprise, certification of competency of 2000-2004 national quality inspection, “Stars Enterprise”, “Famous product” and “Credit Enterprise” of China Food and Packing Machinery Industry Association as well as other titles, and it has already become a modern enterprise with a certain scale and grade.

  Seven Stars enterprise uses operation mechanism of modern enterprise, sets up tidy and complete organization management system in headquarters such as engineering technical department, new product development department, logistics department, production department, quality inspection department, marketing department, human resources department, information center, training center, etc.; builds up and perfects sales network all through the country referring to Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Shandong, Hrbin, Guiyang, Kunming, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, Nanjing, Lanzhou, Jilin, Wuhan, Yichang, Xi’an, Quanzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Haikou, Fuzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Changsha, Changde, etc., and realizes real-time management. Relying on excellent quality, preferable price, good service and best credit, our products base on the market and are sold well all over the world, besides, we have established long-term and friendly trade relationships with domestic and foreign traveling merchants.

  Through over ten years’ hard endeavor since the foundation, basing on the policy of “solidarity and endeavor, dare to be the first”, depending on solid foundation and continuous innovation, our company has held several patent techniques and a batch of refined machining machinery and special assistant equipments. Besides, taking “develop with science and technology, live on quality and credit” as management concept, we are specialized in developing and making dairy equipments, food and beverage machinery, pharmaceutical and chemical machinery, for example: production lines of dairy, fresh milk and acidophilus milk; production lines of juice beverage and tea, production lines of soy milk and earthnut milk; production lines of purified water and mineral water. It is a high-tech production enterprise with leading products of wet type colloidal mill JM series of colloid mill, stainless steel rotor pump ZB3A series rotary lobe pump, mixing machine of water and powder THJ-L/F series mixing machine, beater, board type heat exchanger, various filter equipments, beverage pump and accessories of pipeline valve, and providing production craft, engineering installation and equipment regulation.








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