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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:156A
  • 生 产 地:美洲
  • 访问:143次
  • 发布日期:2011/12/22(更新日期:2012/1/17)


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TREK 156A防静电设备检测仪离子平衡测量仪,主要用于监控离子产生器及离子风扇的工作效率。
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Model 156A & Model 156A/1 CHARGED-PLATE MONITOR
The Trek Model 156A Charged-Plate Monitor System is designed to provide quantitative measurements of the effectiveness of air ionization systems, as to audit ionizer performance.
The Model 156A employs a revolutionary charged-plate monitor design that utilizes an ultrahigh-impedance, high-voltage follower to monitor the ion collecting plate voltage. This technique provides very high accuracy and virtually infinite impedance loading of the plate, while allowing the ion collecting plate to be charged and monitored through the same small-diameter connection. This technique also makes the measurement capacitance independent of the physical size and shape of the ion plate. Therefore, the size and shape of an ion collecting plate, as well as the measurement capacitance, may be customer specified to match a particular ESD-sensitive device within a manufacturing process, or it may be made to conform to the EOS/ESD Association Standard STM3.1-2000.
The Model 156A features two modes of operation, a decay mode with easy-to-program start and stop voltages, and a float mode. For decay mode operation, the ion collecting plate is precharged to a level above the programmed START voltage. The time required to discharge the ion collecting plate from the programmed START voltage to the programmed STOP voltage due to incident ion flow to the ion collecting plate from the measured ion field is indicated by the Model 156A. In the float mode of operation, the plate is initially discharged to zero and then allowed to float to the voltage level dictated by incident ion flow to the ion collecting plate from the measured ion field.
The simplicity of the design of the Model 156A makes it very reliable and completely portable. The Model 156A is powered by an internal rechargeable battery that offers 8 hours of operation from a full charge.
The Trek Model 156A/1 has a serial interface port to connect with a computer. Computer Software allows the operator to program test sequences, save, or retrieve test results. Any series of tests can be duplicated, analyzed, programmed or retrieved using PC based software.
·         Monitored Voltage Range
0 to ±1100 V DC or peak AC.
·         Small Signal Bandwidth (-3 dB)
DC to 1 kHz (measured at 20 V p-p).
·         Large Signal Bandwidth
DC to 10 Hz (measured at 2000 V p-p).
·         Zero Stability (referred to plate voltage)
Drift with Time (no incident ion flow)
Less than 6 V/minute.
·         Drift with Temperature
Less than 10 mV/°C, noncumulative.
·         Decay Mode Thresholds
o        Start Voltage
156A unit,156A/1 unit and software programmable from 1 to ±1000 V in 1 V increments.
o        Start Accuracy
156A unit,156A/1 unit and software within ±1 V of programmed start voltage.
o        Stop Voltage
156A unit,156A/1 unit and software software programmable from 0 to ±999 V in 1 V increments.
o        Stop Accuracy
156A unit,156A/1 unit and software within ±1 V of programmed stop voltage.

Plate Self-Discharge (unpolarized
Less than 12 V/minute.


主要合作伙伴有:TrekMICRO-VuASTRODesco、ERICHSEN TektronixFLUKEKIKUSUIOSAK 等等,我们拥有各学科专业的销售及培训人员,并有良好的技术支持。


1、测量仪器部,我司在业内经营多年现时已取得多项资质。公司为美国Terk静电量仪、美国MICRO-VU 3D测量机华南授权代理商,同时是世界示波器名厂Tektronix的华南授摊权分销商,日本OSAKA大阪齿轮测量机华南代理店,公司同测量仪器行业大厂保持紧密联系,及时导入最新产品进入市场,并推动产品的销售




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