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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:BK512804
  • 生 产 地:美洲
  • 访问:181次
  • 发布日期:2011/12/26(更新日期:1999/1/1)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

美国Beckman紫外分光光度计 产品货号:BK512800 产地:美国 数量:大量 保修期:两年
  • 详细内容
  • 公司简介
美国Beckman紫外分光光度计DU* 800 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, Beckman Coulter
 For life science, academia, biotech, and pharmaceutical applications. With a Windows®-based software interface, the DU® 800 handles complex analyses and basic administrative functions with ease. Software is designed to simplify daily analyses, including those regulated by the FDA, and fully supports compliance with FDA Regulation CFR 21 Part 11 (Electronic Records; Electronic Signature).
The integrated user interface of the DU® 800 software provides convenient and useful features such as quick access to system functions, continuous display of status and method parameters, and the ability to take quick readings or scans without exiting the current application. The spectrophotometer has many unique features, including a source scheduler that can turn both the UV and visible lamp on and off independently at specified times each day; a performance validation scheduler that warms up the system automatically and then performs specified test(s) at a given date and time; and cell matching, which corrects minor differences in multiple cells. Designed with a micro-focused beam, the DU® 800 delivers the full energy of the beam to the microsample, unlike standard beams which can lose as much as 80% of their energy when applied to a microvolume sample.
Transports are for automatic positioning and movement of samples in the unit. The standard transport is compatible with all ambient and water temperature regulated accessories. The high performance transport is compatible with all ambient and water or Peltier temperature regulated accessories. Note: The appropriate Peltier controller is required when electronic temperature control is desired.
Concentration Package — Ideal for essential biological/analytical applications. Includes the DU® 800, a single cell holder, and a 4.2mL UV silica cuvette, as well as DNA ratios (standard or user-defined). Can be used for kinetics/time studies and to plot standard curves for up to 30 standards.
Life Science Package — For molecular biology and proteomic applications. Includes the DU® 800, Protein Assay analysis application, Nucleic Acid Analysis II application, a single cell holder, a single cell holder for 50µL microcell, and two 50µL microcells. Features DNA ratios (standard or user-defined); DNA, RNA, and oligo quantitation; DNA theoretical melting point; and protein concentration with common assays. Also available with nanoVette fiber optic measurement cell for sub-microliter analysis in DNA and protein applications. For other nanoVette options, see BKA44097 series.
Kinetics Package — Designed for protein and advanced enzyme kinetics studies. Includes the DU® 800, Enzyme Mechanism application, Protein Assay analysis application, standard transport, and Auto 6 cell holder (water-regulated). Use this package to perform characterization of enzyme reactions; calculate Km, Vmax, Kcat, and more; generate plots (such as Michaelis-Menten, Lineweaver-Burk); and conduct common protein assay methods.
High Performance Kinetics Package — Features same elements as the kinetics package except for the standard transport. Instead, it has an upgraded high performance transport and Peltier-controlled auto-6 cell holder.
All packages are available with or without an IBM PC and can integrate easily into a networked environment. The bundled PC is an IBM Think Centre with a 3.2GHz Pentium 4 processor, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive, DVD/CD/RW drive, ethernet, and 15" flat panel monitor. The PC comes preinstalled with Windows XP Pro SP2 and with all the included DU® 800 system and applications software.
Minimum PC Requirements: Standard PC (266 MHz or faster), 128 MB RAM, available USB port, 31/2" floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, Microsoft Windows 2000, or XP.
Ordering Information: All packages come standard with Nucleic Acid Analysis (ratios), fixed wavelength, wavelength scan, kinetics/time, Single Component Analysis, and Performance Validation applications, as well as full support of CFR 21 Part 11.
Services: VWRCATALYST™ offers validation services including IQ, OQ, and PQ protocol development and execution, as well as asset management and calibration services (US only); call 888-793-2300 for more details.
With PC

Supplier No.
VWR Catalog Number
Spectrophotometer with High Performance Transport

Without PC

Supplier No.
VWR Catalog Number
High Performance Kinetics Package, requires Peltier temperature controller
Concentration Package
Spectrophotometer with Standard Transport



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