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Nutra-Dip Continuous Tri MeterYM-2006A

Nutra-Dip Continuous Tri Meter

  • 价 格: 65元
  • 型号:YM-2006A
  • 生 产 地:樱明 YMJDEA
  • 访问:180次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)

YM Instrument Co.,Ltd. 姜堰市樱明花卉园艺有限公司

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Specifications YM-2006A The YM mounts to the wall while the wands are always immersed in your hydroponics reservoir for constant readouts. This meter features three screens that read
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---------- Tri-Meter ORP/ECCF/TDS/pH/Temp Continuous Monitor ----Nutra-Dip Continuous Tri Meter

Specifications YM-2006A

  The YM mounts to the wall while the wands are always immersed in your hydroponics reservoir for constant readouts. 

  This meter features three screens that read

 pH from 0-14,                     TDS from 0-9990 PPM,  

ORP from 0-1000 mV.          EC from 0.00-19.99EC,        CF from 0.0-199CF,

and water temp from          

-58-158 degrees F,           -50℃~70℃ degrees C,

  The YM provides excellent reliabilityis the only one with a temperature degrees F. degrees C ORP.TDS.EC.CF.pH function.

我司姜堰市樱明花卉园艺有限公司是專業製造;手提式、袖珍式、迷你式PH Meter系列;台式PH Meter系列;EC电导率仪、TDS计、ORP氧化还原计、钠度计、盐度计;机械制造设备转速测量:多功能转速表、光电转速表;空气质量检测仪:数字温度计、温湿度表;折射仪;PH复合电极系列、水簇馆专用PH复合电极、PH皮肤电极、电导电极、ORP复合电极、DO溶氧电极、等系列产品YM Instrument Co,.Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of Electro-Chemistry instruments. Our main products are PH meter, conductivity meter, TDS meters, ORP meter; pNa meter, salt meter;Many functions tachometer; thermometer, hygrometer; Others: Refractometer, Water pump.pH-Messer,salt meter,PH-mètre,“NUTRA-WAND”T.D.S meters, mini EC, CF, ppm, ppt, uS/cm, mS/cmWaterproof pen ppm,TDS,uS/cm Testers, pH Combined, pH Skin, OxygenDO,Conductivity & ORP electrodesaccessories. Bearing in our minds that our customers need most reliable measurements, we have always been doing our utmost to supply quality products in our yeas of history. Most of our products are CE certified,are sold to all the continents in the world. At the same time, we deal some other lab instruments, such as refractometers, lab glasswareetc. in order to meet our customers” request. With our quality products, efficient servicecompetitive price, we sincerely hope to have moremore users. Company Type : Manufacturer Following is the address of our company: www.chinataizhou.net http://yingming.17.cn/If you have intrest, please reply to this mail or to jyyj@pub.tz.jsinfo.net or +86-523-88229902 Thanksrega





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