您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 静电消除、发生器 > 任意尾脉冲发生器Model DB-2
the primary use of this pulse generator is to simulate actual operating conditions without requiring a live source and detector combination. such parameters as frequency response, linearity, and discrimination levels may easily be measured without the inconvenience of dim oscilloscope display or long accumulation times. proper operation of baseline restorer circuits may be quickly verified. scalers and ratemeters may be checked for satisfactory pulse recognition under random pulse conditions.
the negligible amplitude shift with frequency of the pulser makes the standard frequency test using a live source and a low rate precision pulse generator unnecessary.
although most test applications will find the pulser connected to the test input of a charge sensitive preamplifier, it is possible to simulate the preamp itself with the pulse generator. the pulser is connected directly to the main amplifier and the preamp decay time constant is matched by proper se-lection of the pulser fall time. set up of a system containing an inaccessible preamp can then be accomplished with ease.
for accurate simulation of detector pulse shapes, the rise time control should be adjusted to match 2.2 times the detector decay time constant. for example, if a pulse shape analyzer working with csi-nai phoswich is to be tested, the pulse generator rise time should be set to 0.5 μsec rise time for the nai signal, and 2 μsec for the csi signal. intermediate signals are best obtained by mixing the outputs from two synchronized generators, 2 μsec rise time. by varying the amplitude ratio of the two generators, intermediate values of rise time are generated.
solid state and plastic detectors have decay constants far shorter than the adjustment range of this generator. however, the shaping time constants used in virtually all systems are greater than the 100 nsec minimum rise time. the ballistic deficit formula predicts the reduction in amplitude, b. d., for a shaping system containing identical time constants for all shaping.
b.d. = (4)
where n = the number of integrations with time, constant =rc, and tr is the rise time of the preamp output. the preamp output rise time may be calculated from:
where tp is the pulser rise time and ti is the rise time of the preamp in response to a unit step of zero rise time. the ballistic deficit for a preamplifier with a ti of 10 nsec used with a shaping amplifier6 with 1 μsec time constants would be only 0.02% when used with this pulse generator. therefore, the ballistic deficit caused by this pulser may be ignored for most applications.
the external reference allows remote programming of the amplitude of the pulser, and the external trigger permits control of the output pulse rate. the latter provision is especially convenient if the average random rate needs to be controlled and an external random clock is unavailable. by placing the pulser in the random mode, a periodic waveform at the external trigger input will control the average random rate.
北京燕京电子有限公司成立于1988年,是北京电子控股有限责任公司直属企业,是一家全球集成供应商和专业设备及仪器的服务商。公司目前经营规模超亿元,主 营业务为向国内外科研院所、大型设备制造业和金融业提供成套集成供应及专业设备仪器的维护、运行等专业化的系统解决方案和服务。
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在仪器服务方面,燕京公司是众多国际知名仪器设备厂商在中国的重要合作伙伴。公司致力于从事工业电子、教学科研、通信技术以及电力石化等领域的产品 销售和系统集成,能够为用户提供各种良好的针对行业的、完整的测试应用解决方案。
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