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NIMModel TB-4框架及电源

NIMModel TB-4框架及电源

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:美国
  • 访问:227次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)


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Model TB-4 is a bin and power supply combination for plug-in modules. It can house twelve single-width modular instruments or a mixture of other sizes equivalent to twelve singles.
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Model TB-4 is a bin and power supply combination for plug-in modules. It can house twelve single-width modular instruments or a mixture of other sizes equivalent to twelve singles. Units that can be installed include BNC"s modular digital delay generators, trigger pulse amplifiers, pulse generators, programming interfaces and the instruments of other companies that are designed to NIM standards. The TB-4 is a two-piece assembly consisting of a sturdy bin for containing the modules and a removable heavy duty power supply that is mounted on the back of the bin. DC voltages available to power installed modules are: ±6 V, ±12 V, ±24 V. AC 117 V power for modules that may require it is also provided. The supply conforms to the specifications of AEC report TID-20893 (Rev. 3). The bin is constructed with nickel plated high strength top and bottom welded wire frame assemblies that ensure easy installation, accurate fit and free ventilation of the modules. The TB-4 fits a standard nineteen-inch relay rack or it can be used as the container of a compact system at the bench. A narrow panel on the front has the master power switch, test jacks for the six DC voltages and an overheat warning lamp. BNC-blue painted blank panels are available to cover unused module cavities. The part numbers are: Single-width P/N 6823, Double-width P/N 6824, Triple-width P/N 6826. Empty modules in various standard sizes are also available for those who wish to build and install their own special or auxiliary instrumentation in convenient plug-in form. Consult the factory for source information on module kits.

北京燕京电子有限公司成立于1988年,是北京电子控股有限责任公司直属企业,是一家全球集成供应商和专业设备及仪器的服务商。公司目前经营规模超亿元,主 营业务为向国内外科研院所、大型设备制造业和金融业提供成套集成供应及专业设备仪器的维护、运行等专业化的系统解决方案和服务。

在全球制造行业,燕京公司在世界各地拥有众多的长期代理商和合作伙伴,经过长期合作交流的实践建立了广泛的市场营销网络。同时与国内各相关领域的重要 厂商也建立有良好的合作关系,为大型设备制造业的客户提供成套原材料、零部件及电子元器件。

在仪器服务方面,燕京公司是众多国际知名仪器设备厂商在中国的重要合作伙伴。公司致力于从事工业电子、教学科研、通信技术以及电力石化等领域的产品 销售和系统集成,能够为用户提供各种良好的针对行业的、完整的测试应用解决方案。






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