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the signal recovery model 5210 is the benchmark dual-phase lock-in amplifier against which others are judged. it is widely referenced in technical publications describing a diverse range of research applications including optical, electrochemical, electronic, mechanical and fundamental physical studies. we also offer a single-phase version, the model 5209.
although the introduction of instruments using digital signal processing has brought advances in phase sensitive detection techniques, units using analog demodulators are still the first choice for many experiments. these include those requiring a true analog output, for example in some feedback control loops, or where the instrument is used to recover the envelope modulation of a "carrier" frequency. of course, they are also chosen for compatibility with previous experimental setups.
voltage or current inputs...
the instrument includes a current preamplifier with two transimpedance settings and so can directly measure signals from current sources such as photodiodes. with an input impedance of down to typically only 25 w the resulting voltage generated across the source by the signal current is minimized for the very best performance.
continuous full-scale sensitivity control...
as with all lock-ins the model 5210 has a range of calibrated full-scale sensitivity settings. however, unlike other units it also has a sensitivity vernier control, allowing the full-scale sensitivity to be set to any value between the calibrated values. suppose you are performing an optical transmission experiment and you want to measure transmission in terms of a percentage relative to that of a "reference" sample. all you need to do is put the reference sample in the optical path and press the auto vernier control on the lock-in. it will then adjust the sensitivity so that the display reads 100%. now replace the reference sample with the test sample and read the percentage transmission directly.
unique walsh function demodulators...
the simplest method of implementing the phase sensitive detector at the heart of an analog lock-in is with a reversing switch driven at the reference frequency, giving excellent linearity, dynamic range and stability. this is known as a "squarewave" demodulator since the instrument responds to signals not only at the reference frequency but also at its odd harmonics. it offers much better performance than can be achieved by using a true analog multiplier, which requires the synthesis of a very pure reference sinusoid and is very non-linear when handling large levels of interfering signal.
squarewave demodulation is ideal for many applications, such as experiments using chopped light beams where the signal being detected is a square-wave, since the odd harmonics contain useful information. however in other cases the requirement is for "sinewave" or "fundamental" response where only signals at the reference frequency are measured.
in theory, a squarewave can be modified to a sinewave response by in-serting a low-pass or bandpass filter in the signal channel ahead of the demodulator. however this requires a highly se-lective filter in order to reject signals at the third harmonic without at the same time causing significant phase and magnitude errors for signals at the reference frequency.
the model 5210 uses a modified form of switching demodulator, known as the walsh demodulator, which multiplies the applied signal by a stepped approximation to the reference sinusoidal waveform. this gives a demodulator that does not respond to signals at the third and fifth harmonics, although it does respond to higher harmonics. a fourth-order signal channel filter is therefore included to reject these harmonics, giving a overall sinewave response. the advantages of the switching demodulator are thereby retained without the phase and magnitude errors associated with the use of highly se-lective filters.
the instrument can be switched to operate in either sinewave or squarewave mode, giving you the choice of the optimum detection method for your experiment. only signal recovery gives you this flexibility.
choice of signal channel filter modes…
in the usual sinewave response mode, the filter is set to the bandpass or low-pass modes. but what if you are trying to measure a signal at twice the reference frequency in the presence of a strong signal at the reference frequency? in this case, the filter can be set to a notch (band-stop) mode and tuned to the reference frequency, leaving the signal at 2f unattenuated and easy to measure.
in addition to the main signal channel filter, a line-frequency rejection filter operating at 50/60 hz and/or 100/120 hz is also included, for elimination of troublesome line pickup.
high dynamic reserve...
the combination of the walsh demodulator(s) and the signal channel filter gives the instruments a dynamic reserve of up to 130 db - implying that you can, for example, measure a signal of 1 礦 in the presence of an interfering signal of more than 1 v. no other analog lock-ins deliver this performance.
output filters...
the output low-pass filters offer time constants in the range 1 ms to 3 ks, with all settings available at slopes of both 6 and 12 db/octave. in addition, the units include a rear-panel output giving the signal at the output of the in-phase (x-channel) demodulator with a time constant of typically only 100 祍, for use in those applications such as tandem demodulation where the largest output bandwidth is required.
synchronous adc trigger...
the analog outputs from the demodulators, after filtering by the output low-pass filters, need to be digitized by an analog to digital converter (adc) for display or for transfer to the controlling computer. if this conversion is carried out asynchronously then the resulting values can display significant jitter. this is because the demodulator output contains not only the required dc level, but also signals at twice the reference frequency. when the output is sampled for conversion, this 2f signal means that some samples will be smaller and some larger than the mean.
of course, the 2f component can be reduced to any arbitrarily small value by increasing the time constant, but this reduces the response time to changes in input signal, slowing down data throughput. the model 5210 therefore offers a unique reference synchronous adc trigger mode, which guarantees that the output is sampled at the same point relative to the reference waveform and thereby removes this source of error.
internal oscillator...
with the model 5210 there is no need to buy a separate oscillator to use as an excitation source for your experiment, since it includes one capable of generating a low distortion sinewave output signal over a frequency range of 0.5 hz to 120 khz. although in most lock-ins the frequency of the internal oscillator can be adjusted, in this instrument the amplitude can also be controlled over the range 1 mv to 2 v rms.
manual or computer control...
in manual operation the backlit control setting indicators, the two digital displays and the analog panel meter makes the instrument very easy to use, with the settings of all the important controls being instantly visible. six auto functions further simplify control adjustment, while red overload and reference unlock leds warn of conditions which will result in measurement errors. all the front panel indicators can be turned off for use in blackout conditions.
the instrument includes gpib (ieee-488) and rs232 computer interfaces, allowing virtually all the controls to be operated, and all the outputs that can be displayed to be read, via simple ascii mnemonic-type commands. the communications interface parameters, such as baud rate and gpib address are set by front-panel controls, with no difficult dip switches to adjust.
compatible labview drivers are available for those researchers working in that environment while the unit is also supported by the srinstcomms activex control and sdk. it can also be used with our acquire? lock-in amplifier applications software package, which allows non-programmers an easy way to log the instrument outputs to a pc file. the labview driver and a demonstration version of the software, demoacquire, are available for download from this site.
北京燕京电子有限公司成立于1988年,是北京电子控股有限责任公司直属企业,是一家全球集成供应商和专业设备及仪器的服务商。公司目前经营规模超亿元,主 营业务为向国内外科研院所、大型设备制造业和金融业提供成套集成供应及专业设备仪器的维护、运行等专业化的系统解决方案和服务。
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在仪器服务方面,燕京公司是众多国际知名仪器设备厂商在中国的重要合作伙伴。公司致力于从事工业电子、教学科研、通信技术以及电力石化等领域的产品 销售和系统集成,能够为用户提供各种良好的针对行业的、完整的测试应用解决方案。
ULTRA LOW-NOISE PREAMPLIFIER Voltage, Med I/P Z, 0.5 Hz – 1 MHz, very low noise, x1000, battery or l
The instrument performs all of the normal measurements of a dual phase lock-in amplifier, measuring
The instrument performs all of the normal measurements of a dual phase lock-in amplifier, measuring
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