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β淀粉1-42&1-40 ELISA试剂盒
Human Beta Amyloid(1-42) ELISA Kit Wako
Grade: for Immunochemistry
Regulation / Hazardous:
Storage condition: Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
Manufacturer: Wako
This is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.
Research for Alzheimer's Disease
beta Amyloid ELISA Kits
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaques (SPs) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the brain. The major protein component of SPs is beta Amyloid peptide (AB) 40 AND 42(43). AB 42 is more prone to aggregate than AB 40. Therefore the initial AB deposition begins with AB 42(43) but not with AB 40. AB 42(43)-positive and AB 40-negative plaques may represent early-stage diffuse type SPs, and AB 40-positive plaque appears in the advanced stage, especially more often in the cored portion of the mature plaque.
In these kits, we use the monoclonal antibodies which specifically detects AB. Therefore these kits are designed to be used for the quantitative determination of AB in samples such as tissue culture medium, tissue homogenate, CSF and plasma.
Human Beta Amyloid(1-40) ELISA Kit Wako
Grade: for Immunochemistry
Regulation / Hazardous:
Storage condition: Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
Manufacturer: Wako
This is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.
Research for Alzheimer's Disease
<For the quantitative determination of AB40, AB42>
beta Amyloid ELISA Kits
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaques (SPs) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the brain. The major protein component of SPs is beta Amyloid peptide (AB) 40 AND 42(43). AB 42 is more prone to aggregate than AB 40. Therefore the initial AB deposition begins with AB 42(43) but not with AB 40. AB 42(43)-positive and AB 40-negative plaques may represent early-stage diffuse type SPs, and AB 40-positive plaque appears in the advanced stage, especially more often in the cored portion of the mature plaque.
In these kits, we use the monoclonal antibodies which specifically detects AB. Therefore these kits are designed to be used for the quantitative determination of AB in samples such as tissue culture medium, tissue homogenate, CSF and plasma.
These kits are designed to be used for the quantitative determination of AB in samples such as tissue culture medium, tissue homogenate, CSF and plasma.
These kits use the monoclonal antibodies that were developed by Takeda Chemicals Industries, Ltd.
BAN50: Specifically detects the N-terminal of AB
BNT77: Specifically detects the AB(11-28) of AB
BA27 : Specifically detects the C-terminal of AB 40
BC05 : Specifically detects the C-terminal of AB 42
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