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Phospholipids C (reagent kit) - COD DAOS method
Summaryexplanation of the test:
The Wako phopholipids C is an enzymatic colorimetric method using N-Ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline (DAOS). This is reagent has high specificityis not interfered with ascorbic acidbilirubin in serum.
Principle of the method:
As shown in the chemical reactions below, Phospholipids in serum (lecithin, lysolecithinsphingomyelin) are hydrolyzed to free choline by phospholipase D. The liberated choline is subsequently oxidized to betaine by choline oxidase with the simultaneous production of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide which is produced quantitatively, oxidatively couples 4-aminoantipyrineDAOS to yield a chromogen with maximum absorption at λ=600nm
Reagents (For 120 tests)
(1) Buffer Good''s buffer (pH 7.5) 50 mmol / L 8 x 50 mL
(2) Color Reagent (when reconstituted) 8 x for 50 mL
Phospholipase D 0.47 U/mL
Choline Oxidase 2.0 U/mL
Peroxidase 4.2 U/mL
DAOS 0.77 mmol/L
4-Aminoantipyrine 0.24 mmol/L
Ascorbic acid oxidase 3.9 U/mL
(3) Standard Solution 2 x 10 mL
(Corresponding to 300 mg/dL of phospholipids contents)
Choline Chloride 54 mg/dL
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Not to be used internally in humans or animals
Do not mix or use the reagents from one test unit with those of another test unit which has a different lot number.
Do not use reagents pat the expiration date stated on each reagent container label.
Specimen Collection
Ascorbic acid. Bilirubinhemolysis do not affect the phospholipids measurement.
The Wako method measures the 3 kinds of phospholipids in serum (lectithin, lysolecithinsphingomyelin) but does not measure cephalin.
Materials required but not supplied
Test tubes
Water bath, capable of maintaining 37 degree C
Spectrophotometer or Colorimeter, capable of measuring absorbance at 600 nm.
Preparation of reagent
Dissolve the contents of one vial (for 50mL) of Color Reagent in one bottle (50 mL) of Buffer. This solution is stable for 1 week at 2-10 degree C.
Sample (S) Standard (Std) Blank (Bl)
Pipette into a test tube
Sample Sample 0.02 mL Standard 0.02 mL - *1
Mix incubate for 5 minutes at 37 degree Cmeasure the absorbance of SStd against Bl at 600 nm.
Absorbance (600nm) A S A Std Blank
*1: The omission of 0.02 mL of water does not significantly affect the absorbance measured.
*2: When measure with two wavelength: λ1/λ2 = 600/700 nm.
The color reaction finishes in about 3 minutesthe 5 minutes of incubation at 37 degree C is enough for the reaction. The extended incubation will cause the color deterioration. Please avoid keeping the test tube warm longer than 15 minutes. The color is stable for 1 hour in room temperature.
(Calculation) A S: Absorbance of sample
Phospholipids (mg/dL) = (A S / A Std ) x 300 A Std: Absorbance of standard
Limitations of the procedure
The calibration curve is linear up to 1000 mg/dL of phospholipids content.
Expected Values
Serum: 145 - 257 mg/dL
Since expected values are affected by age, sex, diet, geographical locationother factors, each laboratory should establish it own expected values for this procedure.
Additional recommended products
Code No. 410-00101 Control Serum I (Normal) 10 x for 5 mL
Code No. 416-00201 Control Serum II (Abnormal) 10 x for 5 mL
Takayama M., Itoh S., Nagasaki T.Tanimizu I.: Clin. Chim. Acta. 79, 93-98 (1977)
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