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Bios Defender 530 Calibrator -- Coming January 2010
The Bios Defender 530, with the ability to take both volumetric and standardized readings, is the latest addition to the popular Defender 510 and 520 line of Bios DryCal primary flow calibrators. Automatic correction of readings for temperature and pressure, rather than merely recording of ambient conditions, is essential for many applications.
The Defender 530, like the other instruments in the line, provides users with a true primary flow calibrator for industrial hygiene, environmental and laboratory applications. The design offers low cost, light weight and ultra-compact size, incorporating the highly-regarded DryCal technology. It is small enough to fit easily into a slim briefcase for convenient transport.
Like all Bios calibrators, the Defender 530 is easy to use. Turn it on. Connect it to a sampling pump. Start taking readings. It's as simple as that. Calibrations within a minute with no messy soap bubble solutions.
The Defender 510, 520 and 530 can take hands-free continuous readings while quickly and accurately setting the flow rate on air sampling pumps or other instruments. The Defender 510/520/530 calibrators connect to any PC and pre- and post-calibration data can be downloaded with the included Integrator 110 with the Optimizer Collect Light software.
丙腈CH3CH2CN,191 丙烯腈,50-1200ppm,汽车尾气检测箱、化工厂、电厂、矿井、隧道、坑道、地下管道、矿井、油库、加油站、喷漆房、炼油厂、液化气站、燃气锅炉房等可燃或有毒气体泄漏场所进
丙烯亚胺CH3CHCH2NH,180 胺类苯和苯系物(甲苯、二甲苯)和TVOC在挥发周期上低于甲醛。火灾事故现场检测箱、作业环境检测箱、突发事故快速检测箱、突发事件有毒有害气体测定组合、压缩空气中不纯
191L 丙烯腈,丙烯腈CH2:CHCN,丙烯腈气体检测管 NO.191L,同时也包括苯、甲苯、二甲苯、TVOC(总挥发性有机物)等。苯和苯系物(甲苯、二甲苯)和TVOC在挥发周期上低于甲醛。火灾事故
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