⑴ 电源电压:220V 频率50Hz
⑵ 上面折射紫外光源:短波254nm 长波365nm
⑶ 上面折射紫外光源功率:60W 15W×4
⑷ 滤 光 片:70×200mm
⑸ 底部透射光源:中波310nm
⑹ 光源功率:90W 15W×6
⑺ 滤 光 片:150×200mm
⑻ 灯管寿命小时:500小时
⑼ 外形尺寸:380×260×340mm
⑽ 重 量:15kg
There are two ultraviolet sources with the wavelength of 254 nm and 365 nm which are installed respectively on both sides of this instrument and one set of visible light source which is installed on the one side. A ultraviolet source with middle wavelength of 310 nm is adopted as a transmission source. The light tubes are arranged tightly. A camera can be allocated in the instrument if need. When applying this instrument to observe or photo the bands of DNA and RNA, the distictness can be compared with that of same type instrument produced abroad and the shadow of the light tubes which is always appeared on the photofilm will be wliminated because the ultraviolet light with various wavelength is applied in this instrument. After referring to the advantages of the same type instrument produced abroad and to the various proposals suggested from the users,this instrument for the experimental and analysis purpose with multi-functions and multi-users was finely designed and manufactured.
This instrument can be widely applied to beredity engineering molecular heredity,micro-biology,biological products,animal husbandry,medical sanitation and the researches and checking of medicines, This instrument can be also applied to epidemic prevention,food industry,textile industry,petroleum and rubber industry,mining,archaeology,check of the historical relic,detective trail check and checking of false paper money. After all,this instrument is applied to the divisions which are engaged in fluorescent analysis and checking. This instrument is a necessary for often application to the divisions which are engaged in modern science research and examinations.
⑴ voltage of supply 220v AC,50Hz
⑵ ultraviolet sources on both sides 254 nm(short wavelength)365 nm (long wavelength)
⑶ power 60w 15w×4
⑷ filter plate 70×200 mm
⑸ transmission source on the bottom 310 nm(middle wavelength)
⑹ power 90w 15w×6
⑺ filter plate 150×200mm
⑻ life of the light tube 500hr
⑼ size 380×260×340mm
⑽ weight 15kg
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