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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:弹射动能测试仪
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:107次
  • 发布日期:2013/12/9(更新日期:2019/9/23)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

特点: 可显示速度,能量,打印显示时间 自动计算动能测度结果,老款动能仪只能测试通过时间,结果要人工计算,优于老款与市 场上多数产品,可连续10测试,自动保存测试结果,显示动能平均值
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弹射动能测试仪应  用:

弹射动能测试仪  的详细介绍 

动能仪 1 台,外传感器 1套,外传感器支架1套,电源线 1根,操作说明书 1本。

1.电源 200/220 AC / 50Hz.
2.外型尺寸 : 36cm x 31cm x 18cm.
5.弹射物直径:大0.5mm­ —小于40mm.(内部传感器).
6.内通道行程: 100mm
7.外部传感器距离:40mm— 400mm(可调).
ASTM:F963-03  EN-71-03


The Ejection  kinetic energy tester
Ejection kinetic energy tester is also called (kinetic energy tester, tester ejection kinetic energy, kinetic energy tester, bullet ejection tester)

For the amount of kinetic energy test ejection toys, ejection toys to components by test tube instrument or after two induction external test components, the measured toys ejection parts after a certain distance of time, its kinetic energy calculation. The instrument is mainly used for safety performance inspection ejection toys for baby or child.

This device complies with the following standards: ASTM F 963-08


Notes: for testing involves some materials from the launch of the toys and toys from the launch of a non exclusive projectiles may cause, but not all, potential risk of accidents.

1 power: 220AC/50Hz.

2 dimensions: 240mm * 310mm * 130mm.

3: 1MHz crystal

4 time display number: 7.

5 display range: 0.000001 to 9.999999 sec.

6 fire channel size: 60MM diameter (channel)

The 7 sensor distance:

Channel: a fixed 150mm sensor: adjustable 40mm-420mm

8 internal sensor sensitivity: more than 2mm

The testing process

1.1 connect the power to display 0.

1.2 according to the sample selection using external sensors or internal sensor. If you choose the external sensor, will choose to switch to the EXT file, if the choice of cylinder sensor, then go to the int file

1.3 the use of internal sensor

1) the external sensor removed; select switch to the int file

2) to conduct pre testing, to test toys level through the internal test tube, observe the display reading. The readings for the time value, 0 seconds.

3) if there is no display, may be due to the low sensitivity of sensor, sensor does not sense. Regulation of D as shown in Figure 1, the E knob clockwise, counterclockwise rotation increases the sensitivity, the sensitivity decreases. D front sensor adjustment knob, E rear sensor adjustment knob. Sensitivity should be appropriate, too small will affect the test.

4) sensitivity adjustment is completed, test. To be measured through toys level test cylinder, the readout time. Before and after the 100mm distance between sensors, calculated the speed measured toy, and then calculate the degree of kinetic energy.

5) test the safety coefficient of toys to meet required standards.

1.4 the use of external sensors

1) G interface connected to the external sensor is shown in figure 2. With your fingers or other objects move in the in front of the sensor, sensor at the top of the red light is normal. If not light possible connection is not bright. Pull out, inserted again. The sensors work well will be joint locking.

2) the sensor mounted to the bracket, adjusting the distance between the two sensor, and the bracket is convenient for testing position.

3) for test. The toy levels through sensor front-end tested, display process start time, stop time. Adjust the sensitivity of the sensor, front rotation corresponding rear left interface, back interface corresponding to the right end of the knob.

4) sensitivity adjustment is completed, test. To test toys levels through the front end of the sensor, the reading display reading speed and kinetic energy calculation, toys.

5) safety judgment does not conform to standards of toys.

The Ejection  kinetic energy tester


台朔仪器试验设备厂专业生产:恒温恒温试验箱、冷热冲击试验箱、盐雾试验箱、二氧化硫试验箱、紫外光老化试验箱、模拟运输振动台、电磁振动台、包装跌落台、手机跌落台、手机翻盖试验机、纸带耐磨试验机、手机耐磨试验机,铅笔耐磨试验机,酒精耐磨试验机,橡皮耐磨试验机,电线耐磨试验机,DIN耐磨试验机.TABER耐磨试验机.电线摇摆试验机、弯曲试验机、转轴寿命试验机、落球冲击试验机、插拔力试验机、破裂强度试验机、纸箱抗压试验机、环压试验机.全自动破裂强度试验机.戳穿试验机,定量标准取样器,融熔指数测试仪,锐利边缘测试器,锐利尖点测试器,小物件测试器,模拟小手指,小球测试模板,美规跌落地板,欧规跌落地板、ABC测试模板、尖嘴拉力钳、鹰嘴拉力钳、平面拉力钳、布缝拉力钳、玩具燃烧试验机,口动玩具耐久性试验机,倾斜平台、刮板细度计、ISO刮板细度、工字涂布器、框式涂布器、流挂性测定仪,湿膜制备器、线棒涂布器、腻子涂刮器、龟裂厚度试样板、旋转粘度计、涂4粘度计、便携式粘度计、平板粘度、柴氏杯/蔡恩杯、ISO流出杯、斯托默粘度计、厚漆腻子稠度测定仪、落球粘度计、流挂性测定仪、涂料流平试验仪、漆膜冲击器、漆腊冲击校正器、漆膜磨耗仪、附着测试仪、电动附着力测试仪、百格刀、涂层划痕试验仪、漆膜多用检测仪、唱针/划针等近百个品种的试验设备的台资高新科技企业. 本公司还承接仪器设备维修业务. 服务承诺: 凡属于本公司所售之仪器,除人为损坏或不可抗自然条件损坏雷击.火灾..情况以外,产品保修1-5年,终身维护!

公司简介: 台朔仪器有限公司是一家集开发设计、生产制造、营业销售、技术服务于一体的台资高新科技企业,是由一批专门从事仪器设备生产与销售服务工作多年的专业技术人员组成,销售服务中心座落在风景秀美、交通便利的珠江三角洲最具发展潜力的城市-东莞,公司主要以生产环境试验设备、力学试验设备为主,销售中心并代理经营光学测试仪器、电子安规测试仪器等来满足日益增长的市埸需求,为客户提供全面专业的技术服务;产品广泛用于电脑、手机行业、电线电缆行业、玩具行业、电动工具、家用电器、电机、电子、纺织、制鞋等产品行业的产品研发、品质控制。公司秉以“持久創新,誠信服務”为宗旨,为把自己打造成爲珠三角最受客户欢迎与信赖的仪器生产商而努力,为达到永续性经营目的而奋斗。通过公司全体同仁的不懈努力,兢兢业业的工作态度,广获同行与客户的认可,也使“九星”能够在持续改善中茁壮成长。技术的进步和高素质的人财是九星人始终贯彻的发展之路,目前公司职工90%具大专以上学历或高级职称,并通过了严格的技术培训,我们不仅能提供优质的产品,更能提供高效的服务。公司致力于推动与发展环保仪器之路,..................






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