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Modbus rtu转BACnet/IP
IntesisBox is a BACnet IP client device allowing to read/write points of other BACnet IP device(s) connected to a BACnet network,
and offering these point"s values through its Modbus interface. BACnet interface of IntesisBox supports reading of other BACnet
devices by continuous polling or by subscription requests (COV). All the updated readings are maintained in IntesisBox memory
ready to be served to Modbus when requested.
After the start up process, IntesisBox listen for any read or write request received from Modbus system. If it is read request,
IntesisBox serves the updated point"s values in its memory. If it is a write request, performs the writing of the remote BACnet
device"s point associated immediately. Modbus interface of IntesisBox supports Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU (RS232 or RS485), software
configurable, and acts as a Modbus slave device.
IntesisBox Modbus Server series are configured using LinkBoxMB, a software tool for windowsTM which is supplied along with the purchase
of IntesisBox with no additional cost. With the standard installation of LinkBoxMB, a Demo project for integration of BACnet devices is
also installed, using this demo project makes the engineering needed for this integration easy and quick, almost plug&play.
IntesisBox capacity
There are three different versions of IntesisBox® Modbus Server - BACnet/IP Client with different capacity every one of them.
Tiny version with capacity of 100 points and 1 BACnet/IP device.
Ref.: IBOX-MBS-BAC-100.
Basic version with capacity of 500 points and 1 BACnet/IP device.
Extended version with capacity of 3000 points and 16 BACnet/IP devices.
Integration of any BACnet/IP device into Modbus control systems.
Integration of Daikin VRV Air Conditioners into a Modbus enabled control system (BMS, PLC, SCADA, Controller…).
For this application, Daikin VRV Air Conditioning system must be equipped with Daikin BACnet gateway (model DMS502B51),
this Daikin gateway is normally commissioned by Daikin technical personnel, contact your nearest Daikin distributor for details.
In the technical documentation of IntesisBox supplied with the device, extended details on how to configure IntesisBox for
this application is provided.
Intesis Software provides sample projects for IntesisBox with specific configuration to integrate Daikin VRV system, with these
sample projects the configuration and commissioning of IntesisBox for this application becomes easy and quick, almost plug & play.
Modbus functions 03 and 04 (read holding registers and read input registers) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 06 and 16 (Single Multiple Holding Registers and Write Multiple Holding Registers) can be used to
write Modbus registers.
If poll records are used to read or write more than one register, it is necessary that the range of addresses requested
contains valid addresses, if not the corresponding Modbus error code will be returned.
Modbus error codes are fully supported, they will be sent whenever a non valid Modbus action or address is required.
The Modbus registers can be of 2 bytes (16 bits) or of 4 bytes (32 bits).
For 2 bytes (16 bits) registers, its content is expressed always in MSB..LSB.
For 4 bytes (32 bits) registers, its content (the way IntesisBox handles the byte order) can be one of 3 different options,
configurable, this has been implemented to avoid problems reading 32 bits registers, because Modbus master systems handle
differently byte order of 32 bits registers depending on manufacturer/device.
Modbus RTU
Baud rate can be selected from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 56700. (Data Bits: 8, parity: none, Stop Bits: 1).
Modbus slave number can be configured. Physical connection (RS232 or RS485) can also be selected.
Only the lines RX, TX and GND of the RS232 connector are used (TX/RX+ and TX/RX- for RS485).
Modbus TCP
The TCP port to use can be configured (by default 502 is used).
The IP address, subnet mask and default router address to use by IntesisBox can be also configured.
Address Map
The Modbus address map is fully configurable, any point in the IntesisBox can be freely configured with the desired Modbus register address.
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