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您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 >  通用机械 >  阀门 >  疏水阀 >  供应上海自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀、浮球式蒸汽疏水阀、自由疏水阀



  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:CS41H-16(C)、CS41-25/40
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:166次
  • 发布日期:2014/4/1(更新日期:2014/4/2)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

产品说明CS41H-16、CS41H-16C、CS41-25、CS41-40 型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀:法兰连接、浮球式结构形式,阀座密封面材料为 Cr13 系不锈钢,公称压力 PN16~PN40,阀体材料为铸铁(CS41H-16)、碳钢(CS41H-16C、CS41-25、CS41-40)的蒸汽疏水阀。用于蒸汽加热设备、蒸汽管网和凝结水回收系统,它能迅速、自动、连续地排除凝结水,有效地阻止蒸汽泄漏。
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CS41H-16、CS41H-16C、CS41-25、CS41-40 型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀主要性能参数
型号 PN 工作压力/MPa 适用温度/℃ 适用介质
CS41H-16 16 1.6 ≤200 水、蒸汽
CS41H-16C 16 1.6 ≤425 水、蒸汽
CS41H-25 25 2.5 ≤350 水、蒸汽
CS41H-40 40 4.0 ≤425 水、蒸汽

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CS41H-16、CS41H-16C、CS41-25、CS41-40 型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀零部件材料
型号 阀体材料
CS41H-16 铸铁
CS41H-16C 碳钢
CS41H-25 碳钢
CS41H-40 碳钢

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CS41H-16 CS41H-16(Ⅱ)
DN 15 20 DN 25
D 170 200 L 310
H 127 142 H 240
h 80 90 h 178
重量/kg 3.5 4.5 重量/kg 15

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CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅰ)、CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅱ)型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀主要外形及结构尺寸(mm)
CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅰ) CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅱ)
DN 15 20 25 DN 25 40 50
L 230 230 230 D 320 320 320
H 220 220 220 H 295 295 295
h 150 150 150 h 210 210 210
重量/kg 10 10.5 11 重量/kg 24 25 26

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CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅲ)、CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅳ)型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀主要外形及结构尺寸(mm)
CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅲ) CS41H-16C CS41H-40(Ⅳ)
DN 50 65 80 DN 80 100
L 430 430 430 D 580 580
H 410 410 410 H 540 540
h 290 290 290 h 390 390
重量/kg 80 83 86 重量/kg 130 137

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产品排水量表(过冷度为 6℃ 时的连续排量)

CS41H-16 型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀排水量表(kg/h)
工作压差/MPa 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.6
排水量 CS41H-16 160 230 300
110 160 250 360
90 130 200 280 290
50 80 120 180 210 260
40 50 80 140 170 210 260
1400 2000 2800
1000 1300 1800 3100
800 1000 1400 2500 3500
600 800 1100 2000 2900 3800
500 600 900 1800 2600 3300 3800

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工作压差/MPa 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.6
排水量 产品代号Ⅰ(Φ68) 180 210 280 450 560 620 660
产品代号Ⅱ(Φ120) 500 600 900 1800 2600 3300 3800
产品代号Ⅲ(Φ190) 2820 4200 5080 7000 8530 10200 12100
产品代号Ⅳ(Φ220) 4200 6800 8500 10270 12400 15800 18500

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工作压差/MPa 0.03 0.5 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.0
排水量 产品代号Ⅰ(Φ68) 100 270 380 440 480 520 580 610 630
产品代号Ⅱ(Φ120) 400 1100 1620 1900 2100 2280 2560 2780 2900
产品代号Ⅲ(Φ190) 1060 2770 4250 4900 5400 5920 6550 7050 7300
产品代号Ⅳ(Φ220) 1580 4160 6430 7520 8450 9000 10000 10800 11200
声明:本文中所有文字、数据、图片均只适用于参考,CS41H-16(C)、CS41-25/40 型自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀性能参数、结构尺寸参数、价格等详情,请联系我们,电话:。


    Shanghai Biaori PumpValve Manufacture Co., LTD is located in the beautiful city of Shanghai qingpu zone, the specialty is engaged in the production of various pumps, valves, variety and complete in specification, is a collection of scientific research, development, production, sales and service, which integrates modern water pump, valve enterprise. Enterprise has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality management system certification,
    Years of industry accumulation, the company formed general pump series, magnetic pump series, submerged pump series, self-suction pump series, the common valve series, butterfly valves, check valves, etc. Series pump series of of all kinds. Products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection and urban construction, sewage treatment, etc.
    Since the inception of the scientific research units and courtesy of user support, already developed become domestic produced exclusively high-medium pressure valves, pumps, the backbone enterprises, the company has its own brand ", "brand marking. Now has a high quality team of modern science and technology, first-class management level, advanced production technology and perfect testing equipment. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of the market and introducing American standard valve, the products according to the ANSI, API standard design and manufacturing, according to the American API598 acceptance testing, the products on the market, solved the supporting and maintenance of imported equipment, and welcomed by customers. This company in the fierce competition in the market, win by quality, enjoy good reputation.
    Companies always rely on innovation, with advanced technology, modern management, superior product, excellent service and good reputation and customers. With the orientation of market, providing the numerous users with ideal and satisfactory service are both the eternal pursuit of the standard, but all the more the sincere promise to the numerous users!





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