您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 衡器 > 地上衡 > 5T钢卷秤电子缓冲秤
钢卷秤,电子缓冲秤功能特点钢卷秤,电子缓冲秤采用双层秤体,配置高精度称重传感器和智能化称重显示仪。称重过程中,螺旋压缩弹簧能极大地吸收加载时的冲击量,保护传感器。 钢卷秤,电子缓冲秤抗冲击、耐疲劳、准确度高、称量迅速、操作简便、结构简单、维护方便。 特别适用于起吊设备搬运货物进行称量的场合,现已广泛用于冶金、建材、仓储货运、内河码头等行业。 结构特点双层秤体,全钢结构秤台,环氧类烘漆 自动复位,传力机构一次定型 螺旋压缩弹簧缓冲 间隙撞墙式限位 数字显示称重数据,称重状态指示 整体框架、搬动方便 输出接口:RS232,可连接电脑、打印机等终端 选配件:V型橡胶托盘 技术参数
产品相关关键字: 钢卷秤 电子缓冲秤 |
上海宜工电子有限公司地处于地理位置优越、交通便捷的莘庄工业区内,是一家从事电子衡器及称重系统的生产、销售与服务的专业公司。 我们的产品主要包括:计数电子秤、计重电子秤、计价电子秤、电子台秤、电子吊秤、汽车衡、上海电子地磅、精密天平、控制仪表、显示器、各式落料、包装系统及传感器等等。可根据企业需要为客户订做。 我们郑重承诺:我们提供的不仅仅是优质的产品,更是系统、及时、高效的服务! shanghai ginnol electronic facilities co., ltd is located in xinzhuang industrial area with super locationconvenient transportation. it is a specialized company at producing, sellingservice of electronic weighing apparatusweighing system. since the foundation of the company, ginnol is dedicating to provide the customers with the appropriate productsfeasible weighing programs. ginnol pursues the spirit of the customers being paramount to all others,provides all its heart with all-aroundsatisfied services to reward the customers utmost with their investments. it always focuses on the customer’s demands as its core spirit,improves the degree of the customer’s satisfaction as its task, setting up quality image in the industry,pursing development in innovation, persisting in the development strategy of the leading technologyall around service,the idea of the creditableconcrete working service to win the respect of the marketthe customers, so as to serve the customers with its second to none technology. our products mainly include: counting electronic balance, weighing electronic balance, pricing electronic balance, electronic platform balance, electronic suspending balance, automobile weighing apparatus, electronic platform balance, precision balance, controlling appearance, display, all kinds of dr-opping materials, packaging systemsensor etc, which could all be customized at the demands of the customers. hereby we cordially promise that what we provide is not only the excellent products but also the systematic, in-timehigh effective service. |
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