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Part 2:A story in childhood
The story goes like, in ancient China, there was once a gigantic, lion-look beast with two big tusks coming around in town every beginning of spring. It ruined the crops, destroyed properties, even got kids eaten alive. Besides this, people believed it brought bad luck for the whole next year. So the residents hated its guts.
Gradually, they found out the monster still got one weak point. It’s afraid of lights and sounds. As a result to that, people went out of their ways to try to drive the monster away. They set off firecrackers and fireworks trying to scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop. On top of that, lion dance is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck. At the same time, of course, dragon dance is to expect good weather and good harvests in the following year.
Those all become the most significant traditions in China that has been passing down through out the time. Another inheritance we should not miss is that it’s where the spring festival comes from. Every time of the year, people all around China will practice the custom with no exception. They gather from every corner of the world coming back home to the family reunion party. All participants will definitely wear a big smile, throw all the trivia behind and enjoy a quality time together with their family.
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