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Renco Lean-Meater® SERIES 12
“Ultrasound for Ultra Profits”® (假一罚十)
The Lean-Meater Series 12 is a microprocessor controlled A-Mode ultrasonic instrument. It is designed to measure the total thickness of the skin and up to three layers of back fat. When the measurement is complete, the instrument will display the number of fat layers detected and the total thickness in millimeters with a greater accuracy than ever before.
The Series 12 has a number of new features. Two of the most significant are the automatic detection of the number of layers present and the display of the result.
The primary use is the measurement of back fat in swine for the determination of sow condition, gilt selection, quality and other genetic aspects. Other uses include fat measurement in cattle, sheep and other land animals, as well as blubber measurement in aquatic animals. (The Lean-Meater is not intended for measurement of muscle tissue.)
The Lean-Meater can be thought of as an electronic ruler. Ultrasonic pulses sent into the animal are reflected back to the instrument from tissues of interest. The times until these echoes are received are translated into distances in mm. Measurements are non-invasive—no piercing of the skin with the consequent danger of infection. The animals are neither hurt nor irritated.
The use of LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) assures sharp, crisp, readings. Only the Lean-Meater uses an LED display which will operate over a wider range of temperature and be more visible under adverse light conditions.
The instrument features rugged all-metal construction and a Nickel Metal Hydride—“green”—rechargeable battery, which does not need to be recycled. Battery charging and low power indicators are also provided.
The instrument is fast. Measurements are made quickly and easily as follows:
Simply wet the test site (usually by the last rib) with a coupling fluid, such as cooking oil, press the button to turn the instrument on and apply to the test site. Move it around to remove air bubbles. The display locks in when the total depth and number of layers has been determined. Note the reading on the display, which from left to right, shows the number of fat layers detected and the digital reading of total thickness of skin and fat layers. The figures below illustrate various displays.
DRAMINSKI德铭斯基母狐狸排卵测定仪已经通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。 最理想的快速的发现母狐狸进入无明显特征的排卵期发现母狐狸进入沉默的排卵期发现无规律发情期的母犬进入排卵期显著提
DRAMINSKI猪发情(排卵)测定仪这种仪器决定着大多数雌性动物的怀孕时期,因此它能够避免多次受孕,节约宝贵的时间,降低昂贵的兽医费。这是一个小型轻便的仪器,只需要一个 9 伏电力的电池。排卵测定仪
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