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Thermal Product Solutions
Our mission is to be a global leader in thermal products, offering cost-effective, engineered solutions. We will earn this leadership position by providing our customers with innovative, high quality, cost-effective and environmentally responsible products. We will add value to these products by providing legendary customer service through our uncompromising commitment to customer satisfaction.
Blue M Industrial Ovens and Environmental Test Chambers are designed to accommodate a wide range of applications and are available in configurations to meet virtually any thermal processing requirements. Blue M is recognized in the industry as a leader in the design, manufacture and support of Environmental Test Chambers, Industrial Ovens, Inline Curing Ovens, Light Industrial Furnaces, Custom Industrial Ovens and ASTM Test Ovens.
Tenney boasts one of the most comprehensive lines of environmental test chambers and rooms in the industry. The Tenney Junior line of test chambers, ideally suited for the laboratory or any application where space constraints require a minimal footprint, can accommodate all your temperature, humidity, and altitude testing requirements. In addition, Tenney manufactures custom and standard environmental rooms, shock and vibration chambers, environmental test chambers and offers global support and design assistance with your thermal processing applications.
自利佰特2002年成立以来,我们凭借广州省城和毗连香港的地理优势与海外供应商长期的良好合作关系和在业界多年实战经验,并陆续取得国外多家仪器设备厂商的代理经营资格。同时发挥其贸易渠道广、技术力量强、信息流量大的优势,热诚为客户服务,为我国的冶金、有色、电力、石油、化工、建材、机械、船舶、汽车、轻工、食品、饮料等生产企业和科研院所提供世界知名品牌的工业机电设备、仪器仪表、五金动力工具等各类产品及零部件。以优惠的价格及完善的技术售后服务在国内客户中树立了良好的公司形象, 从而赢得了越来越多的客户和市场。 公司优势 (2)完善的技术服务: (3)广泛的国际性采购网路: (4)高素质的销售员工: (5)灵活的商务模式: (6)快捷的交货速度: |
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