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Xaminer MD2200 5500LS
Verification guarantees a successful, fi rst time scan rate. Without verification, a bar code might not scan correctly. Simply scanning a bar code with a mobile scanning device does not ensure accurate bar code verification as a bar code that can be read successfully by one scanner might not be successfully read by another. By verifying, you can effectively prevent charge backs or other penalties from trading partners. 简单地理解,不重要,你的客户会要求你有个条码检测仪吗?
No, a verifier should not be used for data capture purposes. The function of a verifier is to analyze the quality of a bar code. Verification instruments use special optics and software to evaluate the print quality of a bar code; they do not have the memory capacity to store scanned information. 其实不是不可以,如果你这样做,那就是用牛刀来杀鸡了。
Verifiers provide a print-quality analysis of bar codes based on accepted industry standards. Each bar code scanned receives a grade against set criteria and specifi c problems are identifi ed according to the grade assigned.
There are different types of verification equipment with different optical devices, including wand and laser-based units. Your working environment, the type of bar codes you are verifying and the grading system you plan to benchmark your barcodes against usually determines which type of verifi er is best for your operation.
Unlike the Stratix Xaminer series, a standard laser gun verifi er grades a bar code using only three of the ANSI parameters. A standard laser gun verifi er is unable to measure refl ectance because the laser is not positioned at a fixed distance or fixed angle.Advanced scanning laser devices like the Stratix Xaminer series offer full ANSI verifi cation, coupled with the easy-to-use characteristics of a standard laser gun verifi er. A base assures that the needed fi xed distance and angle are both present to allow for full ANSI verifi cation. Laser-based units are best used on curved surfaces. A wand-based unit is more diagnostic than a regular laser gun verifi er, because it can also gather information to allow for full ANSI verification. It is best used on fl at surfaces. A 6-mil wand should be used to verify UPC codes; however, when working with shipping codes a 10-mil or 20-mil wand is best. 这里英文说得有点复杂了,简单而言,要便宜找HHP QC800系列(那只能算有个检测仪,根本不准,同一个条码各种等级都可以给你,马上会停产),要准确找WEBSCAN韦博斯根或Eyact易阅的(同一个条码,绝不会有两个不同的等级出现,保证准确无争议),要便宜又准确的?没有!!相对便宜又准确的,找RJS D4000或Xaminer 9020.要知道更多信息?马上联系广州利佰特就可以了。
ANSI is an acronym for The American National Standards Institute. It publishes the industry standards that measure bar code quality. An ANSI grade (A through F) is given to a bar code using nine different ANSI parameters that measure the quality of the symbol. Refer to ANSI Document X3.182-1990.
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