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307系列真空计控制器(VGC)措施pressure, and utilizes pressure-related outputs to control a variety压力,利用压力相关的输出控制各种of vacuum system functions and processes. To fi t a wide range of真空系统的功能和流程。以适应广泛的needs and applications, the 307 VGC is available in a variety of的需求和应用,307 VGC在各种可confi gurations and prices. In its simplest form the 307 VGC runs结构配置和价格。在其最简单的形式307 VGC运行a single ionization gauge (IG) in the range from 1 x 10-10 to 1 x一个单一的电离规(IG)的范围从1×10-10 1 x10-1 Torr. With available modules the 307 controls four gauges,10-1乇。与现有的模块307控制四个真空计,measuring pressure from 2 x 10-11 Torr to atmosphere, and six测量从2×10-11乇压力的气氛,和六process control setpoints.过程控制的设定值。
美国Granville-Phillips真空计控制器 GP 307 Stabil-lon真空计控制器描述:
•增加压力的测量精度:by controlling emission current, tube temperature is通过控制发射电流,管温度stabilized, thereby stabilizing thermal transpiration and稳定,从而稳定热蒸腾its effects, outgassing, and wall charges — each of which它的作用,除气,和壁电荷——每一个could otherwise dramatically affect pressure readings.否则可能会极大地影响压力读数。
• For extended pressure range measurement capability
•延伸的压力范围内的测量能力and/or prolonged tube life, emission current can be和/或延长灯管寿命,发射电流可以adjusted. (See Fig. 3).调整。
• Pressure measurements with the Convectron Gauge are
•压力测量与对流测偏仪表largely immune to temperature changes. A temperature基本上不受温度变化。温度compensation device monitors the gas temperature监测气体温度补偿装置around the sensing wire rather than monitoring a remote在感应线而不是监控远程outside wall temperature.外壁温度。
• Each Granville-Phillips Convectron Gauge Tube is
•每个威菲利普斯对流测偏仪规管individually calibrated before shipment to be within在装运前必须在单独校准± 2% of reading over most of its range.±2%超过其大部分范围阅读。
• To improve the accuracy of pressure measurements,
•提高压力测量的准确性,sensitivity can be easily adjusted, independent of灵敏度可调,独立的emission, to match gauge tube calibration.排放,符合规管的校准。• Studies1 have shown Bayard-Alpert type gauges to be研究表明•贝亚德阿尔珀特型仪表是30 to 40% inaccurate. Although the 307 VGC will very30到40%不准确。虽然307 VGC很accurately measure the ion current, these inaccuracies准确测量的离子电流,这些错误are inherent in the design of the B-A gauge and cannot在B-A规不能固有的设计be consistently compensated for by any IG controller.始终得到补偿的任何免疫控制器。
• RF immunity
•RF免疫- High quality shielded cables are used between the高质量使用屏蔽电缆之间的control unit and power supply, and to the gauge tubes.控制单元和电源,以规管。- To help prevent electrical disturbance, RF filters are-有助于防止电气干扰,射频滤波器used at critical junctions.用在关键路口。
• Less circuit drift and greater pressure measurement
•较少的电路漂移和更大的压力测量accuracy are achieved with a lower temperature rise in精度和较低的温度上升,达到the instrumentation enclosure by removing the power通过消除电力仪器仪表外壳supply from the vicinity of the control unit. (See Figure 4).从控制单元附近的供应。
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