Combination Air Cleaner and Humidifier
Purify and add moisture to the air with a compact, portable unit
Eliminate airborne particles such as dust, pollen, bacteria, and smoke and relieve dry skin,
itchy eyes, and harmful static electricity with this two-in-one purifier/humidifier. Air cleaner
function removes 99.87% of airborne particles and offers an adjustable three-speed fan
with quiet nighttime setting. Control desired humidity levels with dial humidistat and
provide only air cleaner operation with lock-on feature.
What’s included: one air filter and two humidifier wicks.
Compact HEPA-Filter Air Cleaners
HEPA-Filter Air Cleaners with Optional VOC Filter
Compact air cleaners offer convenient portability
w Optional VOC (volatile organic compound) filter removes gases associated with
sick building syndrome
Rid your lab, office, or waiting room of dust, pollen, viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and
smoke particles with these compact air cleaners. The HEPA filter removes 99.97% of
airborne particles down to 0.3 µm for up to 5 years. The fan is tested for 50,000 hours
of continuous duty with speed control of high, low, and off.
What’s included: prefilter and HEPA filter. Model 33693-10 also includes six casters
for portability.
Specifications & Ordering Information
Specifications & Ordering Information
Catalog Air Power Replacement filters
number flow rate Dimensions (VAC, Hz) Price Cat. no. Type Price
CZ-09007-02 0 to 150 cfm 17 3 /4"W x 13"H x 11"D $000.00 CZ-09007-50 Prefilter $00.00
120, 60 CZ-09007-52 HEPA 00.00
CZ-09007-06 0 to 200 cfm 16 1 /2"W x 19 1 /2"H x 12"D 000.00 CZ-09007-56 Prefilter 00.00
CZ-09007-58 HEPA 00.00
Optional VOC
filter 33693-60
Specifications & Ordering Information
Cleaning rate
Model 09007-02: 14 x
Model 09007-06: 17 x
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)
Model 09007-02: 160 (pollen), 160 (dust), 160 (smoke)
Model 09007-06: 215 (pollen), 220 (dust), 220 (smoke)
Cleaning rate
Model 33693-00: approx one air change per hour in a
Model 33693-10: approx one air change per hour in a
Cleaning rate: 12 x
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): 110 (pollen),
125 (dust), and 90 (smoke)
Humidifier holding capacity: 3.5 gallons
Humidifier dispersion rate: 3.3 gallons of water
per day, over a 750-ft 2 room area
Catalog Air Power Replacement items
number flow rate Dimensions (VAC, Hz) Price Cat. no. Type Price
CZ-09007-10 0 to 115 cfm 19 1 /2"W x 13 1 /4"H x 12"D 120, 60 $000.00 CZ-09007-62 Air filter $00.00
CZ-09007-60 Humidifier wick 00.00
Catalog Air Power Replacement filters
number flow rate Dimensions (VAC, Hz) Price Cat. no. Type Price
CZ-33693-70 Prefilter (6/pk) $000.00
CZ-33693-00 50 to 175 cfm 16"W x 13 1 /2"H x 16"D $000.00 CZ-33693-55 HEPA 000.00
110, 60 CZ-33693-50 VOC 000.00
CZ-33693-75 Prefilter (6/pk) 000.00
CZ-33693-10 50 to 225 cfm 16"W x 23"H x 16"D 000.00 CZ-33693-65 HEPA 000.00
CZ-33693-60 VOC 000.00
Maximize efficiency with high performance, space-saver design
w FilterWatch
sensor indicates necessary filter change
These cleaners eliminate 99.97% of airborne particles (dust, pollen, smoke, bacteria, and
viruses) through a carbon prefilter and a HEPA filter. The Clean Air Delivery Rate provides
excellent filtration. A visual filter sensor illuminates when filter efficiency decreases, indicating a
filter change is needed. Adjust flow rate with three-level speed control. Model 09007-02 controls
speed with a dial turn knob. Model 09007-06 controls speed with three-button touch pad.
What’s included: prefilter, HEPA filter, and casters for portability.
Odor Removal System
Reduce odors and airborne contaminants in a single unit
The Maximum Efficiency Gas Adsorption (MEGA) system eliminates indoor gases and
odors with an activated carbon filter. Filter airborne contaminants (pollen, dust and smoke)
through a high-grade particulate filter. The compact design allows for air purification
anywhere odor control is necessary. Adjust flow rate with three level speed control knob.
Maximum speed eliminates strong odors quickly and efficiently.
What’s included: carbon filter.
Advanced air cleaners designed for specific particulate and odor control
w Six-speed fan control and programmable timer
Air Cleaners
A 320° vented diffuser, positioned at the top
of the air cleaners, evenly disperses
filtered air. A filter-life monitor notifies you
when filter replacement is necessary. The
control panel consists of a four-key touch
pad, 16-character, 2-line LCD display, and
LEDs that indicate timer, filter life, and fan
speed status. Adjust the speed and timer
via remote control or control panel.
Air Cleaners are
professional grade, with certified HEPA
performance. Both units filter 99.97% of
all particles down to 0.3 µm and 99.5% of
all particles smaller than 0.3 µm.
What’s included: prefilter, cleanroom
grade (EN 1822 H12/13 certified) HEPA filter,
certificate of performance, remote control,
and instruction video. Model 09002-02
also includes a wide-spectrum gas and
odor filter.
Cleanroom Air Cleaner utilizes a
cleanroom grade (EN 1822 H13 certified)
HEPA filter that eliminates 99.97% of all
particulates down to 0.3 µm and 99.9%
of all particles smaller than 0.3 µm. A
prefilter removes 65% of particulates at
0.3 µm (ASHRAE 90-95%, class F8),
prolonging HEPA filter life span.
What’s included: prefilter, cleanroom
grade (EN 1822 H13 certified) HEPA
filter, certificate of performance, and
remote control.
Gas Phase and Odor Air Cleaners
are designed for specialized gas and odor
control. Available in three models, the units
remove 99% of all particles down to 0.3 µm.
What’s included: prefilter, four gas filter
cartridges, four post-filter sleeves, certificate
of performance, and remote control.
CZ-09002-66 HealthPro upgrade kit to convert the 09002-00 to 09002-02.............................$000.00
Catalog Air Dimensions Power Replacement filters
number Applications flow rate (VAC, Hz) Price Cat. no. Filter type Price
HealthPro air cleaners
CZ-09002-00 Filters dust, pollen, bacteria, viruses, 30 to 260 cfm
15"W x 28"H x 16"D 115, 60
$0000.00 CZ-09002-60 HEPA $000.00
mold spores, and dust-mite allergens CZ-09002-64 Prefilter 00.00
Same as 09002-00 above, plus many CZ-09002-60 HEPA 000.00
CZ-09002-02 gaseous contaminants and odors like 30 to 240 cfm 0000.00 CZ-09002-62 Gas and odor 000.00
VOCs, smog, ozone, and tobacco smoke CZ-09002-64 Prefilter 00.00
Cleanroom air cleaner
CZ-09002-12 Same as 09002-02 above, plus 30 to 320 cfm 15"W x 32"H x 16"D 115, 60 0000.00 CZ-09002-72 Prefilter 000.00
microorganisms and biological particulates CZ-09002-74 Cleanroom grade HEPA 000.00
Gas phase and odor air cleaners
Filters VOCs (volatile organic compounds), CZ-09002-80 Post-filter sleeves (4/pk) 000.00
CZ-09002-20 <, /B>related odors and particulates 30 to 235 cfm 0000.00 CZ-09002-82 VOC gas cartridges (4/pk) 000.00
CZ-09002-84 Prefilter 00.00
Filters a wide spectrum of gaseous CZ-09002-80 Post-filter sleeves (4/pk) 000.00
CZ-09002-22 compounds, odors and particulates 30 to 235 cfm 15"W x 28"H x 16"D 115, 60 0000.00 CZ-09002-86 Gas cartridges (4/pk) 000.00
CZ-09002-84 Prefilter 00.00
Filters formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, CZ-09002-80 Post-filter sleeves (4/pk) 000.00
CZ-09002-24 nitric oxide, sulfur dioxide, related odors 30 to 235 cfm 0000.00 CZ-09002-88 Gas cartridges (4/pk) 000.00
and particulates CZ-09002-84 Prefilter 00.00
Specifications & Ordering Information
Catalog Power Replacement filter
number Dimensions (VAC, Hz) Price Cat. no. Type Price
CZ-09007-04 17 3 /4" W x 13" H x 11" D 120, 60 $000.00 CZ-09007-54 Carbon $00.00
Specifications & Ordering Information
Control panel
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