您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 行业设备 > 焊接材料与附件 > 焊丝 > 上海斯米克S201紫铜焊丝
符合:GB/T9460-2008 型号:SCu1898
相当:AWS A5.7-84 型号:ERCu
Copper alloys
金 | S 201 | Sn1 Si0.3Mn0.3 | Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. | ERCu |
S 211 | Si3 Mn1 | Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. | ERCuSi-Al | |
S 212 | Sn5 Cu Rem. | Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. | ERCuSn-A | |
S 213 | Sn8 Cu Rem. | Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. | ERCuSn-C | |
S 214 | Al7.5 Cu Rem. | Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. | ERCuAl-A1 | |
S 215 | Al9 Cu Rem. | Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. | ERCuAl-A2 | |
S 221 | Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 | Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
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S 221F | Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 | S221 welding rod coated with flux. |
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S 222 | Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 | Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. | RBCuZn-C | |
S 222F | Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 | S222 welding rod coated with flux. | RBCuZn-C | |
S 223 | Cu59 Sn0.6 | Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. | RBCuZn-A | |
S 224 | Cu62 Si0.5 | Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
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