您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > Colony Counter- Hand-held with battery
The high visibility felt tip will mark glass or plastic
dishes and is oil and water resistant. An electronic bleep confirms each recorded mark. Supplied with one each red and black tip and 3V battery .
CLY 010 010 MT/81-520-000 portable colony counter
CLY 014 010 MT/81-520-100 spare black tip
CLY 014 020 MT/81-520-150 spare red tip
Portable Colony Counter
counting range0~999
Dish size max100mm
An integral magnifying glass provides for easier counting of small colonies.
Audible confirmation of each count
dimensions: 220× 280×165mm
Supplied complete with one Wolffhuegel graticule and dish centering adapter to facilitate use with 50 - 90mm Petri dishes.
product model:
CLY 020 010 SC5 colony counter
CLY 020 500 SC5/1 Wolffhuegel graticules (pack of 10)
CLY 020 510 SC5/2 Spare dish centering adapter, shaped to hold 90mm or 50mm dishes
ZRS-8G dissolution tester(recommended b
ZRS-8G dissolution tester(recommended by pharmacopoeia)
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