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pr2100 features:
rugged, compact and flexible
• single or dual columns and injectors,
- injectors for packed, widebore and capillary column,
- detectors : fid, tcd, npd/tid, fpd, ecd
• electronic pressure / flow regulation (up to 10 channels)
• multi-ramp programming (from 0.1 to 60°c/min)
• storage of up to 6 operating methods for quick utilisation
• double oven door :
- removable internal door for easy access to columns
- external door locking at high temperatures.
• double power supply
• computer remote control (with winilab in option)
front opening and spacious oven provides easy access to columns. a double door ensures an excellent isolation of the oven contributing to a quiet and safe operation. a propeller located on the rear wall offers an efficient mixing of the oven atmosphere and provides high temperature homogeneity and stability. modern electronic regulation combined with proven technology ensures precise heating rates. a trap door driven by a step permotor microprocessor controlled allows admission of air for fast cooling.
keyboardthe waterproof membrane, touch-tone keypad with vfd vacuumfluorescent display, simplifiesparameters entry and systemcontrol. keys are grouped logically. realtime data are displayed in 4 linesof 20 characters. in addition, 8 led"s lets you knowat-a-glance the gc statusincluding the oven ramp tracking.the keypad provides: sequence programming: up to 6 complete methods can bestored and edited including •oven programming.•injectors and detectors settings.•flow and pressure programmingwith settings and real timevalues displayed.•events time settings.
split-splitless injectorisdesigned for both split andsplitless modes in constant orprogrammable pressure.glass in-sert is speciallydesigned for minimisingdiscrimination and optimisingvaporisation. it includesseptum purge.for use with capillary columnand widebore column with anadapter.
packed column injectorwithwide bore column adapter
ptv injectoris an injectorcombining large volume injectionand fast linear temperatureprogramming. this flexible injector offers thepossibility of direct thermaldesorption into the capillarycolumn
on-column injectoris designedto provide cool on-columninjection specially recommendedas a non-discriminating method ofhigh molecular weightcomponents.ideal for the quantitative analysisof samples with high boilingpoints compounds and for theanalysis of thermally labilecompounds.its unique design with headcooling system allows theinjector to remain at lowtemperature allowing quickstabilisation before the nextinjection.
nitrogen phosphorous detector(npd)se-lective detector for nitrogenand phosphorous containingcompounds. based on an alkalinebead incorporating anelectronically controlled heater, itoffers a quick stabilisation and aconstant response during anextended lifetime. another unique advantage is thatit operates without flameproviding a higher sensitivity
flame ionisation detector (fid)widely used for organiccompounds, its uniquedesign permits to achieveunmatched limits ofdetection. operates in capillary modewithout make-up gas.
flame photometric detector(fpd)dual flame fpd for se-lectivedetection and trace amountanalysis of sulphur andphosphorus compounds.dual-flame design overcomeslimitations such as quenchingeffects due to hydrocarbons.
electron capture detector(ecd)se-lective detector forhalogenated compounds.mainly used for chlorinatedpesticides analysis. signal linearisation is made bymeans of a modulatedfrequency offering a superiorlinear dynamic range.
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