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clarity chromatography station
clarity is an advanced chromatography station designed to acquire and evaluate data from any commercially available chromatograph with standard analog output and from se-lected chromatographs with digital output.
up to four independent chromatography systems, each of which can be equipped with up to four detectors, can be simultaneously connected
clarity - main features:
simultaneous data acquisition from up to four independent four-detector chromatographs - 4×4 configuration
there is extensive possibility to modify chromatograms. the chromatogram can be changed by entering global parameters or interactively, through direct graphic modification of the baseline.
simultaneously displays a virtually unlimited number of chromatograms and their mathematical modification; for example, mutual deductions or derivations of any order.
internal and external standard calculation methods, calibration of groups of peaks and reference peaks method for better identification.
sequence tables for any set of samples with or without an autosampler.
automatically displays, prints, exports and starts other programs after the completion of a measurement.
displays and prints se-lected results from all simultaneously displayed chromatograms.
user se-lects parameters for peak display and the specification for axes, including color from an extensive array of color settings. text labels and lines, either as part of the area or anchored to a chromatogram, may also be in-serted.
optional exportation of all results with or without the chromatogram, in various formats, into a file or clipboard.
import chromatograms or mathematical curves, which have been saved in text or aia formats, from other programs.
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