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Ion ChromatographIC1000

Ion Chromatograph

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:IC1000
  • 生 产 地:made in china
  • 访问:907次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)

Shantou Keyi instrument & Equipment co.ltd

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IC1000 is an all-in-one IC system for routine ion analysis, which can measure various ions rapidly without endeavor.
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IC1000 is an all-in-one IC system for routine ion analysis, which can measure various ions rapidly without endeavor.
PEEK fluid path system
All the pump, tube and connector are made of PEEK, a kind of high intensity material. They are highly resistant to strong acid, alkali and also 100% organic solvent compatible. It is easy for user to clean and maintain after analysis.
High Pressure PEEK Pump
IC1000 use a low pulsation and single piston
isocratic PEEK pump, with the attenuator, it
provides stable flow rate and can stand pressure up
to 4000 psi. With the flow rate from 0.5 to 4.9mL/min
and increment of 0.1mL/min, it applies to various
applications in both cation and anion analysis

The most advanced suppressor
DS-Plus is the most advanced suppressor in the
world. With the technology of continuous automatic regeneration, it allows trace level analysis (down to ppb-level) in optimal peak resolution.

The suppressor can ensure results with high repeatability. Compared with conventional suppressor, IC1000’s suppressor does not leak, and is compatible with organic solvent and easy-to- maintain. It is ideal for applications in environmental and semi-conductor industry.
Chemical suppression

suppress background conductivity and enhance signals of interested analytes
Continuous Regenerating Continuous generating H+ ion so as to improve linearity and repeatability
Remove HCO3- ion Remove HCO3- ion efficiently, resulted in reducing background and increase sensitivity

By using high accurate Rheodyne 9725 PEEK injector, it not only ensures injection precision but also applies to sample loop up to 10mL. With the direct injection of 1mL sample into IC1000, it can achieve lower detection limit without pre-concentration of sample

From the spectrum :

Injection Volume: 200μl

Large LCD Display
With a large LCD of IC1000, displaying pressure, conductivity, output range, coefficient of temperature compensation, upper limit setting of pressure & other parameters simultaneously is no longer problem. It makes operation much simple and easier

Welcome To Our Company 
  Founded in 1998 , we are a well established and professional supplier of instruments and equipments.

We enjoy good relations with excellent partners in North America ,European Union and Japan .Our principal products include: HTA of Italy, Z-nose of U.S.A, and TEKNOKROMA of Spain and so on.

In the field of chemical analysis ,especially in chromatography, we have sufficient supplies of instruments which are readily available. We ensure the quality of every instrument sold by us, in the meantime, offer satisfactory customer service.

In case of any problem with the instrument, we guarantee a response in 24 hours during workday.

With commitment to credit, we have obtained a large share of Chinese market ,at the same time, won the support and trust from our clients.

Dedicated to the mission of helping our customers spend money in a wiser way and utilize instrument more efficiently, we will unswervingly continue along the path of pushing Chinese instrumental industry to conform to international standards..





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