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ABI荧光定量PCR仪专用96孔板4346906 n8010560
The Applied Biosystems® MicroAmp® Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode is an integral component of the Applied Biosystems® Fast PCR System, which reduces PCR reaction time from 2 hours to as little as 25 minutes.
• Maximum thermal conductivity for precise thermal cycling
• Reproducible, specific, and sensitive PCR results in just 25 minutes
• Validated with other system components for consistent results
• Each reaction plate includes a unique serialized, eight character number label (barcode) that is user-readable and machine-readable to prevent tracking errors
Increased Thermal Contact for Faster, More Uniform Heating
The advanced design of the MicroAmp® Fast 96-Well Reaction Plate dramatically increases its thermal contact with the Applied Biosystems® Veriti™ 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler. The plate also has a consistent well-to-well thickness so all of the samples cycle through the PCR process uniformly. These features reduce experimental artifacts and help ensure fast, accurate results.
Amplify in as Little as 25 Minutes
Go fast with the Applied Biosystems® Fast System, comprising pre-mixed Fast PCR master mixes, specially designed 0.1 mL microplates and tubes, and the Veriti® 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler. Now, you can amplify fragments under 500 bp from genomic backgrounds in about 25 minutes and, in some cases, as little as 10 minutes. And you can amplify large fragments faster too—up to 2 kb in as little as 40–50 minutes. Or for sequencing applications, the AmpliTaq Gold® Fast PCR Master Mix, UP, reduces your cycling time to 50 minutes and produces amplicons optimal for high-quality sequencing results.
货号 | 描述 | 包装 | 价格 |
96反应板 |
0.2ml |
N8010560 | MicroAmp 96-well Rxn Plate | 10 plates | ¥550.00 |
0.1ml |
4346906 | MicroAmp Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode, 0.1 ml | 20 plates | ¥550.00 |
4375816 | Fsat Optical 48-WELL Plate | 20 plates | ¥500.00 |
光学贴膜 |
4360954 | Optical Adhesive Covers | 25 films | ¥600.00 |
4311971 | Optical Adhesive Covers | 100 films | ¥1,500.00 |
4313663 | Optical Adhesive Covers Applicator | 20 films | ¥750.00 |
8 连排管盖 |
0.2ml |
4316567 | MicroAmp Optical 8-Tube Strip, 0.2 ml | 125 strips | ¥680.00 |
4323032 | MicroAmp Optical 8-Cap Strip | 300 strips | ¥700.00 |
0.1ml |
4358293 | MicroAmp Fast 8-Tube Strip, 0.1 ml | 125 strips | ¥580.00 |
2.美国Wheaton 匀浆器、组织研磨器、双侧壁细胞培养瓶、悬浮细胞培养瓶、细胞用搅拌器、安培瓶等玻璃仪器、培养箱,搅拌器等。
3.美国kimble 蓝盖瓶、匀浆器、离心管,巴氏吸管等玻璃仪器;
4.加拿大Labplas 的无菌采样袋、均值袋;
5.美国Nalgene 过滤装置、塑料广口瓶、放水桶、低温冰盒、低温标签、记号笔、离心管、冻存管、便携液氮罐、无菌培养基瓶、手动真空泵等。
6.美国ABI PCR板、PCR管、PCR盖子、八连排管、膜等。
7.德国Brand 移液器,电动移液器,瓶口分配等
8.德国艾本德eppendorf 移液器、分配器等
9.法国Hyphen Biomed 的出血、凝血类试剂 ;
10. 德国Chemvck 防腐隔膜泵、无油泵、真空泵、蠕动泵等
11. 瑞士Keller 小型快速玻璃珠灭菌器、玻璃珠等
12. 美国Millpore 细胞电阻仪、超滤管、膜、针头滤器等
13. 美国 BioSpec研磨珠均质器、手持匀浆机等
14. 自产镍洛合金接种环、接种针、核酸染料、通用水试剂培养基等。Cellfectin® II Reagent 10362100
Cellfectin® II Reagent 是一种阳离子脂质体试剂,设计用于实现昆虫细胞的最佳转染 Cellfectin® II 在早期产品 Cellfectin® R
Applied Biosystems® MicroAmp® 光学384孔反应板的设计,为快速高效的PCR扩增提供了无可比拟的温度精确性和均一性。MicroAmp® 光学3
美国ABI 光学贴膜MicroAmp® Optical Adhesive Film Kit
Applied Biosystems® MicroAmp® 高透光度粘性盖膜试剂盒包括以下产品:
• MicroAmp® 高透光度粘性盖膜应用于
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