您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 温湿度仪表 > 双金属温度计 > BTO系列带变送器的双金属温度计
产品名称: BTO系列带变送器的双金属温度计
产品型号: BTO
接液材质: 304 SS.
镜面: 玻璃.
精度: 温度计: ±1%; 传感器: ±0.2%.
环境温度: -58 至
刻度盘尺寸: 3˝ 或 5˝.
连接: 1/2˝ NPT.
传感器电源: 8-36 VDC.
输出: 4 to 20 mA.
3"刻度盘 型号 描述 BTO325101 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 2.5" stem length, range 0-200°F. BTO32551 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 2.5" stem length, range 0-250°F. BTO32561 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 2.5" stem length, range 50-300°F. BTO325121 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 2.5" stem length, range 50-400°F. BTO32571 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 2.5" stem length, range 50-550°F. BTO340101 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 4" stem length, range 0-200°F. BTO34051 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 4" stem length, range 0-250°F. BTO34061 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 4" stem length, range 50-300°F. BTO340121 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 4" stem length, range 50-400°F. BTO34071 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 4" stem length, range 50-550°F. BTO360101 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 6" stem length, range 0-200°F. BTO36051 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 6" stem length, range 0-250°F. BTO36061 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 6" stem length, range 50-300°F. BTO360121 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 6" stem length, range 50-400°F. BTO36071 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 6" stem length, range 50-550°F. BTO390101 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 9" stem length, range 0-200°F. BTO39051 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 9" stem length, range 0-250°F. BTO39061 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 9" stem length, range 50-300°F. BTO390121 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 9" stem length, range 50-400°F. BTO39071 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 9" stem length, range 50-550°F. BTO312101 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 12" stem length, range 0-200°F. BTO31251 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 12" stem length, range 0-250°F. BTO312061 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 12" stem length, range 50-300°F. BTO312121 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 12" stem length, range 50-400°F. BTO31271 Bimetal thermometer with transmitter output, 12" stem length, range 50-550°F.
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