Requirements for certification
1. Please refer to Australian Standard AS4736-2006
2. Complete test reports and results from approved laboratories to the requirements of AS4736-2006. List of approved laboratories available from ABA.
3. Sample of product, material or intermediate to be certified, to be retained by ABA
Schedule of fees for review
1. Previously certified material with no chemical or composition change A$700
2. Previously certified material with composition change A$900
3. Previously certified material with composition change and A$1400
containing ink or colour pigments
4. New material or blend containing no ink or pigments A$1200
5. Previously certified material with new ink or adhesiveA$1200
6. New material or blend containing ink and pigments A$1700
7. Articles or products having different shapes and dimensions with or without ink, fees will vary depending on degree of complication.
On receipt of the application the applicant will be invoiced for the minimum scheduled fee of $700 and the review process will begin on receipt of the payment. On conclusion of the review process the applicant will be invoiced for the difference between the minimum scheduled fee and the fee established by the application reviewing authority, where applicable.
On successful application the applicant will be invited to license the Seedling logo from ABA by entering into a licensing agreement and payment of the 12 month fee of $500.00.
绿证(厦门)检测技术有限公司立足于福建,面向国际市场,是一家专业从事水暖卫浴,可降解/可堆肥/可分解,建材五金,PED压力容器,ATEX防爆产品及节能节水检测与认证的第三方技术服务机构。主要提供UPC,NSF,AB 1953,ACS,NF,CSTB, WRAS,DVGW,KTW,WaterMark,WELS,PED,ATEX,CE,CB,GS,UL,CSA,ETL,EMC,FCC,CCC,CQC等认证服务,并同世界最权威的认证机构如:TUV,UL,CSA,SGS,ITS,APMO,IPL,SAI,TZW,CQC,BPI,BNQ,AIB VINCOTTE,DIN CERTCO,JBPA,KBPA等保持良好的合作关系,鉴于博测的诚信、专业和负责,得到了国外机构的充分认可并结成了战略伙伴关系。 我司多年来专注于国际(欧盟、北美、澳洲)安全法规和产品标准的研究、应用,为中国企业的产品生产、外贸出口提供标准辅导、产品检测和全球多国认证等技术支持服务,帮助企业应对欧美技术和贸易壁垒,降低交易风险,在认证咨询、标准比对、工厂审查、资料翻译与体系辅导等领域有丰富的理论和应用及实际操作能力。作为一个知识型机构,“共赢源于合作,为客户提供更专业的满意服务”是我们的一贯理念。 我司是一家专注于产品检测、认证的专业的第三方认证技术服务机构,如果贵司的产品在市场上遇到检测、认证方面的问题,欢迎咨询我们!博测让您的产品更加无忧的拓展欧、美、澳、日等国际市场!