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Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox 有利于排除毒素,维护肝脏健康。
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox helps support liver health and aid detoxification and digestion.
The liver is the largest internal organ of the human body and is responsible for eliminating toxins, aiding digestion and helping regulate metabolism.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox contains premium ingredients such as St. Marys thistleand globe artichoke to help maintain and protect healthy liver function and regenerate liver cells. These ingredients also help relieve indigestion and bloating.
St. Mary's Thistle contains antioxidant properties and can help improve skin health and reduce blemishes via its detoxification action on the liver. The Skin is the body's largest eliminatory organ, when the liver is functioning properly the body is not as reliant on the skin for eliminating toxins.
Globe artichoke helps stimulate bile flow from the gall bladder to assist the liver digest fats. Adequate bile flow is important for a healthy liver as bile is involved in the breakdown of fats and the detoxification process.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox also contains turmeric, which has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, and helps combat potential free radical damage to the liver. It also works to relax the digestive system and relieve spasm, cramps and bloating. It also stimulates bile production in the liver and encourages excretion of bile via the gallbladder. This improves the body's ability to digest fats.
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