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您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 >  仪器仪表 >  流量仪表 >  其它阀门 >  三精阀门制造-各类阀门.美标阀门.国标阀门.日标阀门.德标阀门



  • 价 格: 1000元
  • 型号:阀门系列
  • 生 产 地:永嘉
  • 访问:1424次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:2010/8/4)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

  • 详细内容
  • 公司简介
  • 各类阀门.美标阀门.国标阀门.日标阀门.德标阀门           三精阀门有限公司位于泵阀之乡-瓯北镇,是一家集研制、生产、开发和销售高、中、低压阀门的高新技术企业。生产的各种“三精”牌系列阀门,质量可靠,品种齐全,故畅销全国各地,分别有闸阀系列.截止阀系列.止回阀系列.球阀系列.安全阀系列.减压阀系列.疏水阀系列.柱塞阀系列.旋塞阀系列.锻钢阀门系列.不锈钢阀门系列.美标阀门系列.电站阀系列.呼吸阀系列.隔膜阀系列..水力控制阀系列.电磁阀系列.针型阀系列.调节阀系列等………公称通径6mm-2000mm(1/4″-80″),公称压力0.1Mpa-60Mpa(150Lb-3500Lb),工作温度-196℃-1300℃。主体材料采用:WCB、WC6、WC9、2GCr5Mo、2G1产品广泛应用于石油、化肥、钢铁、制药、化工高层建筑、纺织等领域。
      本公司严格按照ISO9001质量体系认证执行, 始终如一致力于依靠科技,不断创新,努力开发各种“三精”牌系列产品,能按照各类标准、各类材料、各种驱动形式的标准设计生产各种优质阀门。 三精人以领先的技术与管理带给您质量的保证,以良好的信誉报答广大用户对精精系列产品的厚爱,秉承“一切为了用户满意”的经营理念,将不断应用新技术、新工艺、新材料积极开发新产品,为广大用户提供更优质的阀门产品和完善的售后服务,为建立现代化三精企业而努力奋斗。
Yongjiaxian Sanjing Valve Co.,Ltd  is situated on  Oubei,Yongjia, a town given the prestigious name of "hometown of pump and valve in China ", we are a specialized  valve manufacturer integrating development, production, installation, sales  and  service. We produce “SANJING” brand  valve , quality reliabled, variety is completed with nothing missing, So to be in great demand all over the country.
Our products include gate valve , globe valve, check valve ,ball valve, safety valve, reducing valve, trap valve, Plunger valves ,plug valve, hydraulic control valve, solenoid valve, pintle valve, adjusting valve, series. Nominal diameter from 6mm to 2000mm1/4-80″), Nominal pressure from 0.1 Mpa to 60Mpa150Lb-3500Lb, Working temperature from –196 to 1300, the main materials of the products are WCBWC6WC92GCr5Mo2G1,The products are widely applied to the field of petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, power, fuel  gas, city  pipeline  networks  and  so  on.
The  company according to ISO9001 manufacture  standard  strict. We to rely on  Science  and  technology,  we  are  innovated exertion all the time, exploitation  various “SANJING” brand valves and  we  can  according standard , material or drive way  to  design and produce  high quality valves.
The products  of  Sanjing  is protected  for  ahead of technique and  manage, In accordance with the marketing philosophy of "all for users", we will application new technique , new  technics  ,new materials unceasingly  to  to open up and develop new products,  we will provide better  products and serve,  there will be more  efforts  to  construct modernization “SANJING”.





  本公司按照ISO9001质量体系标准执行, 始终如一致力于依靠科技,不断创新,努力开发各种“三精”牌系列产品,能按照各类标准、各类材料、各种驱动形式的标准设计生产各种优质阀门。 三精人以领先的技术与管理带给您质量的保证,以良好的信誉报答广大用户对三精系列产品的厚爱,秉承“一切为了用户满意”的经营理念,将不断应用新技术、新工艺、新材料积极开发新产品,为广大用户提供更优质的阀门产品和完善的售后服务,为建立现代化三精企业而努力奋斗。

Yongjiaxian Sanjing Valve Co.,Ltd
is situated on Oubei,Yongjia, a town given the prestigious name of "hometown of pump and valve in China ", we are a specialized valve manufacturer integrating development, production, installation, sales and service. We produce “SANJING” brand valve , quality reliabled, variety is completed with nothing missing, So to be in great demand all over the country.

Our products include gate valve , globe valve, check valve ,ball valve, safety valve, reducing valve, trap valve, Plunger valves ,plug valve, hydraulic control valve, solenoid valve, pintle valve, adjusting valve , series. Nominal diameter from 6mm to 2000mm ( 1/4 ″ -80 ″) , Nominal pressure from 0.1 Mpa to 60Mpa ( 150Lb -3500Lb ) , Working temperature from – 196 ℃ to 1300 ℃ , the main materials of the products are WCB 、 WC6 、 WC9 、 2GCr5Mo 、 2G 1,The products are widely applied to the field of petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, power, fuel gas, city pipeline networks and so on.

The company according to ISO9001 manufacture standard strict. We to rely on Science and technology, we are innovated exertion all the time, exploitation various “ SANJING ” brand valves and we can according standard , material or drive way to design and produce high quality valves.

The products of Sanjing is protected for ahead of technique and manage, In accordance with the marketing philosophy of "all for users", we will application new technique , new technics ,new materials unceasingly to to open up and develop new products, we will provide better products and serve, there will be more efforts to construct modernization “ SANJING ”.






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