4516103artus HAV TM RT-PCRKit v2.0 (24) RUOCNY
4514205artus BK Virus RG PCR Kit (96) RUOCNY
4514265artus BK Virus RG PCR Kit (96) CECNY
4511263artus SARS RG RT-PCR Kit (24) CECNY
130708NeXtal Tubes Cations SuiteCNY
130705NeXtal Tubes AmSO4 SuiteCNY
4506363artus HBV QS-RGQ Kit (24) CECNY
79236Random Hexamers (100 µl)100 ul of random hexamers (0.4 ug/ul) for cDNA synthesis with TurboCapture mRNA KitsCNY
74126RNeasy Protect Mini Kit (250)RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent (250 ml), 250 RNeasy Mini Spin Columns, Collection Tubes (1.5 ml and 2 ml), RNase-free Reagents and BuffersCNY
158910Protein Precipitation Solution (50 ml)CNY
679091ipsogen MLL-ENL e10e2 StandardsCNY
677691ipsogen NPM1 mut B&D gDNA MutaQuant StdsCNY
34850Strep-Tag Antibody (100µg)Mouse monoclonal antibody that recognizes the Strep-tag II epitope; lyophilized, for 1000 ml working solutionCNY
34698Anti·His Antibody Selector KitRGS-His Antibody, Penta-His Antibody, Tetra-His Antibody, all BSA-free, 3 ug eachCNY
9240657Pump, Pressure, Jun-Air, APCNY
9240611ZLV Hall-Effect Sensor, Capper Spindle,CNY
28704QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (50)50 QIAquick Spin Columns, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)CNY
9011545Probeguide + Probe 0.9 mm, BR8000 v1.00CNY
9011501Coupling, Z motor, buffer track, BR8000CNY
9011471Shaker, 2-plate for Plato 7CNY
9240435#USB Memory Stick, i-Disk Tiny, 512 MBCNY
9243120Green Laser Update, Coherent 115M-13, LCCNY
9243554Pyro Q96 MDa, PM Service"Service response time (repair): not applicable
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable
Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage"CNY
101.903-24#DQA1*05, 02; DQB1*02, 0302 incl.Taq(24)CNY
5050-11240APC EU s4CNY
9238837#RapidPlate, Basic Agreement"Repair service delivery: Onsite
Service response time (repair): 5 business days
Periodic inspection/maintenance: Yes, 1/agreement year
Inspection/maintenance delivery: Onsite
Cost coverage for repair parts: Yes, included
Cost coverage for labor: Yes, included
Cost coverage for travel: Yes, included
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: Not included
Transportation cost coverage: Not applicable"CNY
676923ipsogen WT1 ProfileQuant Kit (24) CECNY
676713ipsogen CLLU1 ProfileQuant Kit (24)CNY
330624RT² SYBR Green ROX FAST Mastermix (6)CNY
9011243Holder, bar-code camera, STS, BR3000CNY