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【新城疫病毒阳性血清】是我公司重点推广产品,我公司有专业的人员进行全程指导,请放心购买,发货时均会附上质检报告单.使用说明书和推荐用法用量,提供正规发票. 齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com
9018962QX, Air compressorCNY
9018943Adapter, MagNa Pure LC 32-Well PlateCNY
9022711Lid, Silver, DML3000CNY
9016004BioSprint 15 microtube tray"tray on which the microcentrifuge strips sit during a run.
None of our protocols use microtubes so this is an accessory that most likely KF customers would use. We do not ship this tray with the instrument"CNY
9016002Magnet head for deep well plate, BS96CNY
9015863EZ1 DNA DRD BLD CardPre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 protocols for dried blood samplesCNY
9015825Upg. Kit, V-Motor position, BR8 (ISI22)CNY
9015794Software Twister II V2.0 CLARA V2.3.xCNY
9015637AC fuse, 230 V, 4A, M48CNY
9015607LiquiChip Maintenance KitCNY
9015541Filter, w.glue and cleaningCNY
9015531Controller, temperatureCNY
9019164Tool, O-Ring change, QsymCNY
9019162Cable kit - X/Y, PyroQ96MDCNY
9019156Motor - X/Y, PyroQ96MDCNY
9019149Fan - IPC 40x40, PyroQ96MDCNY
9014555Power Supply Grounding KitCNY
9014435LiquiChip Fluid Module ISCNY
9022193Transport Lock, PyroQ24CNY
9022056Tool, o-shoot test liquid 100ML, RGQCNY
9021980Set, purge filters (10), QXCNY
9021670Adapter, tubes, 2 ml, v2, QsymCNY
9238612Collet chuck screwCNY
9238561Upgrade App., Ni-NTA Superflow largeCNY
9238513Lubrication oil, Elaklub, BR8 RDCNY
9238466Lubricant, silicon fluidCNY
9238223Laser Alignment Solution (10ml)CNY
9240662Ferrule, Yellow, Flangeless, APCNY
9240649Internal BCR, Keyence, BL-601, AP196/98CNY
9240643Downtube, PK Pump, AP196/98CNY
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