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【塑化剂检测试剂盒】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司专业经营高效液相色谱法、可见分光光度法、紫外分光光度法、酶标法检测试剂盒齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【塑化剂检测试剂盒】
9238477Tubing, OLF pump head, RapidPlateCNY
9238245Tray for ReactionCNY
9238191Upgrade App., DirectPrep 96CNY
9237721EZ1, Full AgreementThe Full Agreement EZ1 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot EZ1. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).CNY
9240676Bimba Cylinder, Latch Lock, AP98CNY
9240668Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Blue, APCNY
9240632Power Supply, 48VDC 4.0 AMP, AP96CNY
9240605Pressure Gauge, Digital, AP196/98CNY
9240602Sensor, Sick, Waste Btl. Present, APCNY
9240561Control Pad, Eppendorf, AP196/98CNY
9240558Temp sensor, Bowl, Eppendorf, AP196/98CNY
9240540Right Angle Con., SiNug, Motor, AP96/196CNY
9240535Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, Pump, AP96/196CNY
9240517Cable, Dual, USB transition, AP196/98CNY
9240195Holder, click'n go cassettes, HSPSCNY
9240101Re-Installation, BR MDxThe Re-Installation, BR MDx facilitates quick implementation of system back into lab routine by minimizing instrument set-up phase. It covers hardware and software check of instrument and provides user with operator refesher overview. Re-installation includes labor and travel costs. Re-installation performance process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.CNY
9239856Pneumatic Cylinder, v2.0CNY
9239854Sample holder Small, 1.2ml , v2.0CNY
9239560Assy, Optics with Coherent LaserCNY
9020026MORG sensor, 240mm, EZ1aCNY
9020025ZEL sensor, 390mm, EZ1aCNY
9019989Transformer, CASCNY
9019980Cover Kit VPT, PyroQ96VWCNY
9019973Square Silicon Foam, GSCCNY
9019968Accessories for balance, IQ/OQ, QSCNY
9019937Service kit, pipettor 8ch, Cx8CNY
9238887Cable, Heat, BS96CNY
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