您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV-1)单抗
【牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV-1)单抗】是我公司重点推广产品,我公司有专业的人员进行全程指导,请放心购买,发货时均会附上质检报告单.使用说明书和推荐用法用量,提供正规发票. 齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com
9238661Filter dryerCNY
9238660Temperature sensorCNY
9242029QIAxcel, Repair Fee"Repair service delivery send to Regional Repair Center
Service response time (repair) 7-10 days turnaround time
Periodic inspection/maintenance: 0
Cost coverage for Repair Parts : yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable
Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage"CNY
9241895QIArent&go - Rent out fee QIAsymphony ASCNY
9241814Pyro Q24, PM AgreementAn agreement for preventive maintenance provides coverage for travel, labor, and parts, plus the cost of consumables required for the maintenance visit. Work carried out during the preventive maintenance visit is fully documented in accordance with GMP/GLP directives.CNY
9241165Board, smart key, QXCNY
901985572-well High Profile Locking RingCNY
9019833Cable, RS232, external, V2, QXCNY
9019763Motor, Y, V2, QXCNY
9019732Board, LED scan, V2, QXCNY
9013659BGR DT Adapter 1100ul P3xxxCNY
9013444Reagent holder, 3-trough 20 mlCNY
9013437Maintenance kit, annual, BR9600 (F)CNY
9013426Maintenance Kit BR 9600 (C)CNY
9019661Manometer, PyroQ96VWCNY
9019659Screw set VPT, PyroQ96VWCNY
9019654Springloaded pins VPT, PyroQ96VWCNY
9019620Belt, Z-axis assembly, 1 ch., Cx2CNY
9019606Pipettor, Piston, Cx2CNY
9019576Opto switch, Y-axis, CxxCNY
9019525UV support frame, QIACNY
204143QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit (200)For 200 x 50 ul reactions: 3 x 1.7 ml QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Master Mix,* 2 x 2.0 ml RNase-free waterCNY
9019438Fan 115VAC 50/60 Hz 0.26ACNY
9019409Sensor, rotor timing & home, RG3CNY
9019407Switch, mains voltage selector, RG3CNY
9019400Sensor, infrared, RG3CNY
9019361Fan, Base, 12V 120mm, RG6CNY
9019354Coupling, rotor shaft, RG6CNY
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