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【亚硫酸盐检测试剂盒】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司专业经营高效液相色谱法、可见分光光度法、紫外分光光度法、酶标法检测试剂盒齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【亚硫酸盐检测试剂盒】
5050-1069 V.1CD Rom Manual - Rotary Shaker I, 240VCNY
6000-5001Costar Plate LidsCNY
6000-3120Plate Washer I - WasteReserv.CapAssemblyCNY
5000-1420Driveplate Asmly 099A, VTX2CNY
5127-1220hc2 Sample Conversion KitCNY
9243701careHPV, TrainingCNY
800190Sequencing in a Box ServiceCNY
800110Single Read, w/ prep"Bacterial clone cultivation and template purification or PCR product purification, including DNA quality control
Repetition of sequencing, if necessary
Data collected to maximal read length"CNY
132538NeXtal Stock Dioxane (50)100% v/v Dioxane - 50mL (5 x 10 ml tube)CNY
338162RT2 PCR Array Loading ReservoirCNY
338114Mouse XpressRef Universal Total RNACNY
203743QIAGEN Fast Cycling PCR Kit (200)For 200 x 20 µl reactions: 2 x 1 ml Fast Cycling Master Mix, 2x (containing dNTPs, patent pending buffer composition), RNase-free water, 10 x CoralLoad Fast Cycling Dye, 5 x Q-SolutionCNY
180820GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green MM (2)CNY
159320Desicant (1000)CNY
159142QIAsafe DNA Blood 48-Well Plates (10)CNY
158822Gentra Puregene Buccal Cell Kit (10)CNY
158689Gentra Puregene Tissue Kit (33 g)CNY
678691ipsogen MLL-AF9 type A e10e6 StandardsCNY
32943cis-Repressed pQE-Kan Vector SetCNY
32506EasyXpress Protein Synthesis Maxi KitFor reactions up to 4000 ul: 4 x 350 ul E. coli extract, reaction buffer, RNase-free water, and positive-control DNACNY
30930Glutathione HiCap Matrix (100 ml)CNY
30725#Ni-NTA Superflow Cartridges (100x1 ml)CNY
30210Ni-NTA Agarose (25 ml)25 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 2.8 psi)CNY
28183QIAquick 96 PCR Purification Kit (24)For purification of 24 x 96 PCR reactions: 24 QIAquick 96 Plates, Buffers, Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml), CapsCNY
9011608BGR Kamm für Stirrer PK80 neuCNY
9013178Gripper set, BR8000 v 1.00CNY
9013170Tubing, syringe inlet 2, BR8000CNY
9011417Klemmplättchen Varispan P7 (Alodine)CNY
5050-1020EN#Keyboard English SpareCNY
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