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9239089User Manual, BioSprint 15CNY
9232687Hood f. Tip Disposal Station 2.01CNY
9232627Bottle, 500-ml, white luer adapterCNY
9232558Vacuum manifold, blanks, 6SCNY
9238976Tip and Sample Rack, V2CNY
9238787Angle rotor 30 x 1.5 / 2.2 mlCNY
9020318PM kit, C18 & QIAxtractor, CX1CNY
9020317PM kit, C18 & QIAxtractor (HEPA), CX1CNY
9017245Microplate Station 8000, seesawCNY
9020226Belt, X-axis assembly, C4xCNY
9020211Switch, assembly, lid, Nov08-Jun09, C1xCNY
9020210Foot assembly, QGXCNY
9020154USB Connector&Cable; RGQCNY
9020091Hall Sensor Board, TLyser 2CNY
9239514EX SD ControllerCNY
9239512EX XY, Platter InterconnectCNY
9239509EX XY, Controller Board XYPCNY
9236529Tubing Guide, Probe Holder, BR8 RDCNY
9236512#BR 9604, PM ServiceThe Overhaul covers all travel and labor costs plus all necessary parts to perform a Preventative Maintenance,. The instrument will also be thoroughly checked and inspected to determine if any additional parts are required to get the instrument running to its optimal performance. There will be an additional charge for any such parts if any are needed.CNY
9232778Card, x-main, PCON, 2CNY
9239314Reservoir, OLF, with sensor, RapidPlateCNY
9236449Travel Charge, zone DCNY
9236434Sensor, rotary home, TWICNY
9239174Cooling Block , 24-tube, 1.5 ml, tallCNY
9232634Bottle, 250-ml, blue fittingCNY
9017157BR MDx CTM 48 PCR Setup, PROCNY
9232475Cover, SIS, BR9604, V1.01CNY
9232334Cable, magnet valve, DISU, BR8000CNY
9232331Cable, power, dilutor 5-8, BR8000CNY
9238779Agreement, MDx, 2PM, 1yrAn agreement for preventive maintenance provides coverage for travel, labor, and parts, plus the cost of consumables required for two maintenance visits during 1 year. Work carried out during the preventive maintenance visit is fully documented in accordance with GMP/GLP directives.CNY
9238773Project PackIncludes 12 working days (on-site or off-site work) by a QIAGEN Instrumentation Service Specialist, valid for 3 years. These days can be used for writing and/or optimization of protocols or for training. It includes all travel and labor charges. Parts, consumable chemistries, and accessories are not included. Custom protocols are the sole responsibility of the customer and neither warrantied nor guaranteed.CNY
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