您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 神经前体细胞分化培养基
4.产品种类齐全:25个系统共150多种细胞以及各类菌株,满足不同客户的要求。细胞经过严格的质控,纯度可达98%。常用产品备有现货。其产品类型如下:消化系统细胞株,呼吸系统细胞株,泌尿系统细胞株生殖系统细胞株 血液循环系统 内皮细胞细胞株 神经系统及其他细胞株,动物细胞株和菌株
8. 齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
【神经前体细胞分化培养基】 齐一生物公司专业代理ScienCell简介ScienCell Research Laboratories (ScienCell) is a biotechnology company whose mission is the research and development of cell and cell-related products for experimental and therapeutic use. The ScienCell technology provides a variety of high quality normal human and animal cells, cell culture media and reagents, medium supplements, cell-derived RNA, cDNA and proteins for the research community. Scientists at ScienCell are also studying and developing cell therapeutic strategies that will significantly improve the quality of life by achieving the cell's ability to combat human degenerative disorders. We are based in San Diego, California and were established in 1999.
1. 接收到细胞,肉眼观察细胞培养基颜色,显微镜观察细胞生长情况,并对细胞进行不同倍数拍照(建议收到时的培养瓶拍一张照片,显微镜拍收到时的细胞100X,200X各一张)。
5.用PBS 2-3ml/次轻轻洗细胞表面,洗3-4次遍,加入0.05%胰酶-EDTA1-1.5ml,显微镜下观察细胞变圆,轻轻拍打培养瓶直到细胞脱落,加入终止液终止。
齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
9241770QIAxtractor, Premium AgreementThe Premium Cover Agreement, QIAxtractor provides full service coverage for the QIAxtractor and the CAS 1280. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. One on-site pipetting head service and inspection is included. With a Premium Cover Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day).CNY
9238971Target Prep, Full AgreementThe Full Agreement TargetPrep provides full service coverage for the BioRobot TargetPrep. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).CNY
9238953Vertical plate, BS15CNY
9238792Angle rotor for 12 Falcon tubes15 mlCNY
9017118LiquiChip IS 200, Plate HandlerCNY
9232556Vacuum manifold, strip holder 1.02CNY
9232477Lid, wash station, BR8000 v1.01CNY
9238940PCB, CSU-02, BS15CNY
9238783Swing-out rotor for 4 bucketsSigma Rotor # 11150CNY
9238914Shield motor, BS96CNY
9238705MP-motor capacitorCNY
9231890Base, 1-8 connector, BR8000CNY
9238688PC board Zent1, no Eprom, parameter freeCNY
9231133Flat Band Cable 10P 1170mm Xmain-XadpCNY
9020069Front plate, TLyser 2CNY
9020058Fuse T 0,63A, 220-240V 50/60Hz, TLyserCNY
9014867Valve, Pinch, RoboVac, BR8CNY
9014599PCB, YZ-Adapter, BR8CNY
9014579QIAVac MultiwellVacuum manifold for processing 96-well purification plates of SBS standardCNY
9022581PCB - Mainboard(progr.)Biocontrol,RGQIICNY
9022409RCS Tip Eject Station v.2CNY
9022130Optical Head Assembly, careHPVCNY
9022125Tool, Thermistor Gauge, RGxCNY
9021983Latching mechanism (2), top lids, QXACNY
9021290Silicone grease for PM, EZ1CNY
9238617Magnet, tachoCNY
9238473Rotary flex circuit, BR RapidPlateCNY
9238240BioRobot M48 User ManualCNY
9238225Sheath Delivery Tubing w. ConnectorsCNY
9238158Heat Transfer Adapter, microplate FBCNY
9240660Block, Plastic, QC, AP96/196CNY
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