您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 烟曲霉ACCC30367
低价格现货供应,欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.com【烟曲霉ACCC30367】
133250NeXtalStock Na/K phosphate pH 6.2 (200)CNY
330529RT² SYBR Green ROX qPCR Mastermix (25ml)CNY
929701QX Cartridge StandCNY
929607QX RNA Denaturation Buffer (2x1,4ml)CNY
330500RT² SYBR Green qPCR Mastermix (2)CNY
9010524Plate turntable, moduleCNY
211354QuantiFast Pathogen PCR +IC Kit (400)CNY
211031QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit (50)CNY
9012759Magnetic Stirrer, 5 positionCNY
9012752Set of Tubing for Olympus PK80CNY
9010331Cover , NTP-Reader, Plato 1/3, (9194)CNY
9010085Modul, SamTrak, 12 Racks, P3xxxCNY
979201PyroMark Q24 Plate (100)For sample analysis of template DNA on Q24CNY
979008PyroMark Wash Buffer (conc., 200 ml)For washing and neutralizing the immobilized DNA.CNY
311714BioMag Streptavidin (50ml)BioMag streptavidin suspension (5 mg/ml)CNY
9002273PyroMark Q24 Advanced, PrioPLUSCNY
9002200QIAxcel Advanced, PrioPLUS, no PM"QIAxcel Advanced Instrument
Installation of QIAxcel Advanced & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Repair Center service, response 7-10
Loaner available in 2 days*
No Preventive Maintenance included
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"CNY
206662Type-it CNV Probe PCR +qC Kit (100)CNY
206402QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit (100)For 100 PCR rxns a 50 µl: Enzyme Mix (Taq and Proofreading Enzyme, (5 u/µl), 10 x PCR Buffer for increased fidelity (contains dNTP´s), 25 mM MgCl2, 5 x Q-SolutionCNY
9012730Cable, flat band, X, 2300 mmCNY
979003PyroMark Q96 Sample Prep Tool Cover (10)Consumables for use with magnetic tool for isolation of single stranded DNA.CNY
978746PyroMark CpG Assay (200)CNY
9012702Motor, Y-drive, BCR, P1/3/7CNY
929702QX Buffer TrayCNY
330421RT² Easy First Strand Kit (12)CNY
9010540Tischplatte Plato-7 (9194)CNY
68163DNeasy Plant Maxi Kit (24)24 DNeasy Maxi Spin Columns, 24 QIAshredder Maxi Spin Columns, RNase A, Buffers, Collection Tubes (50 ml)CNY
9012781Upgrade Y2K from Rufas 3.4 to WinrufasCNY
9010051Plate stackerCNY
60704QIAamp DSP Virus Kit (50),CECNY
59935#EpiTect MethyLight Assay Hs-TMEFF2(100)"10-fold primer TaqMan probe mix, for real-time MethyLight PCR
For TaqMan probe-based real-time quantification of methylated or unmethylated CpG sites"CNY
301807HiPerFect HTS Reagent (6 x 1 ml)CNY
301707HiPerFect Transfection Reagent (4x1 ml)CNY
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