我公司坐落于旅游名城-中国河北省承德市避暑山庄南侧,紧邻北京,天津。铁路,公路纵横交错,交通便利。专业设计,建造大、中、小型玻璃电熔炉,及其生产配套设备。本公司有专业的施工队伍,有自己的加工厂,有专门的售后服务人员,有既具备专业知识,又具备实践经验的高级技术人员,继承了国营老牌玻璃厂 60多年的人工吹制玻璃器皿的生产经验和专业技术,积累了24年的玻璃电熔炉设计,运行及维护经验。并不断改进推新,先后研发出连续化料、间歇生产的玻璃电熔炉和能够熔化各种料液的日池窑(既小型玻璃电熔炉)。打破行业界限,研创出搪瓷釉料电熔炉、陶瓷釉料电熔炉。 为国内外多家玻璃器皿、工艺、灯饰、建材等生产厂家成功的设计建造近百座电熔炉。产品分类为日产100公斤--日产2000公斤玻璃电熔炉、日产2吨--日产60吨玻璃电熔炉。产品性价比高,合作方式灵活。不但可以大包,而且可以厂家自行购料,我司提供技术服务,最大限度的让利于需方。 售后服务周到,对设备终生提供免费技术支持。 Located in the Chengde Summer Resort south, Chengde City, Hebei Province, Chengde Xinxi Glass Technology CO. LTD is close to Beijing and adjacent to Tianjin. It boasts superior geographic location and convenient transportation.The company is engaged in design, manufacture of various types of glass electrical furnace and auxiliary equipments. The company is made up of many senior engineers and technicians. It has learned the sixties years rich experience in artificial blown glass product and professional technology of Huafu Glass Ware Co. LTD, at the same time, accumulated the 24 years of glass electrical furnace design, operation and maintenance experience, and continuous improvement push new and developed small glass electrical furnace of day tank. "Only Produce high-quality Goods" is the enterprise purpose. In the past eight years, we extend our service scope, the company has designed and built dozens of electric furnaces for producing glassware factories, craft factories, lighting manufacture, etc many domestic enterprises. . The company can do EPC or BOT etc. project. Our company also can provide technical services, the maximum benefit to the buyer. For the sale service of our product, it can provide free technical support of equipment lifelong.