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【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“最高品质的产品”和“最优质的服务”
CUSABIO Randox-lifescience Santa Abcam jackson Sigma Amresco Qiagen Cayman millipore invitrogen merk ebioscience prospec
齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】
9240965 X-Ring, pipetting system, Qsym CNY
9240683 Spring, Elevator Pickup Head, AP196/98 CNY
9240814 #Agreement, EZ1 DSP, PM, 1YR CNY
9240788 Update, Pump Pulley/Motor, AP98 CNY
6000-5008 RCS Reagent Troughs CNY
6000-5004 Sealing Film Dispenser CNY
9241768 QIAxtractor, Basic Agreement The Basic Cover Agreement, QIAxtractor provides full service coverage for the QIAxtractor and the CAS 1280. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. One on-site pipetting head service and inspection is included. With a Basic Cover Agreement, there is a response time of 5 working days. CNY
9241656 Transfer Rack Plate, AP CNY
9241630 Shaker Adjustment Kit, AP CNY
9241367 Damper, door, EZ1a CNY
9240759 Update, Sliding Door Latch, AP98 CNY
9243548 Pyro Q96 ID, PM Service "Service response time (repair): not applicable
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable
Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY
9242766 Cogwheel, x-drive, portal, Qsym CNY 【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】
9242710 Validation Support, 2d, QIAgility The QIAGEN QIAgility Guided Validation Support service includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 2 days by a QIAGEN Specialist. A QIAGEN specialist will provide an introduction to the QIAgility system and software, review the User Manual, and practical hands-on operation. The Guided Validation service includes experimental design consultation, internal validation documentation support, and QIAGEN sponsored data templates. Enough consumable chemistry and accessories (QIAGEN or other vendors) should be purchased to cover the validation experimental design and are not included in the cost of validation support. Please indicate which processes (quant setup, normalization, PCR setup, CE setup) and kit manufacturer (Applied Biosystems, Promega, QIAGEN) need to be included in the validation. CNY
9242253 Cable, x, portal AS, Qsym CNY
9242234 RGQ, IQ/OQ Service "Instrument qualification support service for the Rotorgene Q and Rotorgene 6000. The product contains the IQ/OQ documentation and the performance of the qualification protocols (travel and labor costs included).
During the service, the compliance with the manufacturer's installation requirements is testified and the performance verification & dynamic calibration of the Rotorgene Q is performed." CNY
9242172 Repair fee, Depot Repair, TissueLyser II CNY
5000-1403 Bumpers Side, VTX2 CNY
5000-1401 Guide Rack Back Asmbly, VTX2 CNY
5000-1311 Capacitor 8UF, SKR1 CNY
5000-1273 Door Damper Assembly, DML2 CNY
5000-1258 Y Optical Sensor CMPLT, DML2 CNY
5050-1074 V.1 CD Rom Manual - LumiCheck Plate CNY
5050-1069 V.1 CD Rom Manual - Rotary Shaker I, 240V CNY
6000-5001 Costar Plate Lids CNY
6000-3120 Plate Washer I - WasteReserv.CapAssembly CNY
5000-1420 Driveplate Asmly 099A, VTX2 CNY
5127-1220 hc2 Sample Conversion Kit CNY
9243701 careHPV, Training CNY 【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】
EA11423 EASYartus BKV RG_I CNY
800190 Sequencing in a Box Service CNY
800110 Single Read, w/ prep "Bacterial clone cultivation and template purification or PCR product purification, including DNA quality control
Repetition of sequencing, if necessary
Data collected to maximal read length" CNY
132538 NeXtal Stock Dioxane (50) 100% v/v Dioxane - 50mL (5 x 10 ml tube) CNY
338162 RT2 PCR Array Loading Reservoir CNY
QY-x1659 小鼠肾癌细胞株RuCa
QY-x1660 大鼠肉瘤细胞WK256
QY-x1661 小鼠乳腺癌细胞MA891
2QY-x1662 大鼠胰腺癌细胞株DSL-6A/C1
QY-x1663 小鼠骨髓瘤细胞NS1
QY-x1664 大鼠卵巢癌细胞株NUTU-19
QY-x1665 小鼠肾癌细胞Ranca
QY-x1666 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞3T3-swiss albino 【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】
QY-x1667 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞3T3 clone A31
QY-x1668 小鼠胰腺腺泡细胞癌细胞MPC-83
QY-x1669 小鼠白血病细胞C3
QY-x1670 小鼠β胰岛素瘤细胞RIN-m5F
QY-x1671 小鼠自发高乳腺癌细胞TA2
QY-x1672 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞Nb2-11
QY-x1673 小鼠骨髓瘤细胞NS-1
QY-x1674 小鼠肾癌细胞Kert-3
QY-x1675 HPVl6 E6、E7和ras基因共转化的C57BL/C(H-2b)小鼠肺上皮细胞TC-1
QY-x1676 长臂猿淋巴瘤MLA-144
QY-x1677 细胞名称 细胞代号 ATCC号码 组织来源 培养基 ATCC描述/中科院细胞库描述
QY-x1678 人胚肾细胞 293T CRL-11268? 肾 DMEM+10%FBS
QY-x1679 人肾上皮细胞系 293 肾 DMEM+10%FBS
QY-x1680 人肾上皮细胞系 293H 肾 DMEM+10%FBS
QY-x1681 人脐静脉内皮细胞 HUVEC 脐带静脉 ECM或
QY-x1682 EGM-2 【Arginase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit】
QY-x1683 人胚肺成纤维细胞 HLF 胚胎;肺 MEM α(+)+10%FBS
QY-x1684 人胚肺二倍体细胞 CCC-HPF-1 胚胎;肺 DMEM+ 10% FBS
QY-x1685 人微血管内皮细胞 MVEC 微血管 DMEM+ 10%NBCS
QY-x1686 人支气管平滑肌细胞 HBSMC RPMI 1640 + 10% NBCS
QY-x1687 人肝癌细胞 Hep G2 HB-8065? 肝细胞癌 DMEM+10%NBCS
QY-x1688 人肝癌细胞 BEL-7402 肝癌 RPMI 1640 + 10% NBCS
QY-x1689 鼠肝癌细胞 H22 (悬浮) 肝癌 RPMI 1640 + 10% NBCS
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