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Azathioprine 货号9536-500

Azathioprine 货号9536-500

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:24次
  • 发布日期:2016/7/28(更新日期:2016/7/28)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

Azathioprine 货号9536-500 500 mg 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
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 Azathioprine 货号9536-500齐一生物长期经营生化检测试剂盒及抗体(免费代测).分子学生物试剂盒.比色法,IFCC推荐法,化学氧化法,速率法.高效液相色谱法.可见分光光度法.紫外分光光度法.酶标法检测试剂盒等检测试剂盒.诚信经营,价格实惠,服务周到,质量保障!Azathioprine 货号9536-500提供各种实验代测服务. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com


Azathioprine 货号9536-500齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司是一家专业销售生化检测试剂盒.酶联免疫试剂盒,抗体蛋白.生化试剂,标准品和对照品的大型化学科技公司.自公司成立以来,本着始终拥有的创业激情,公司的销售额保持高速增长,企业规模不断扩大. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com

NG0392  肌酸激酶CK检测试剂盒     1 比色法                        

NG0393  胆碱酯酶CHE检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

NG0394  乙酰胆碱酯酶TCHE检测试剂盒    1 比色法                        

NG0395  乙酰胆碱转移酶ChAT检测试剂盒     1 比色法                        

NG0396  丁酰胆碱酯酶检测试剂盒    1 比色法                        

NG0397  葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶G6PD检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

NG0398  bN-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶NAG检测试剂盒 1 比色法                        

NG0399  丙酮酸检测试剂盒       1 比色法                        

NG0400  丙酮酸激酶PK检测试剂盒 1 比色法                        

NG0401  己糖激酶HK检测试剂盒     1 比色法                        

NG0402  醛缩酶ALD检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0403  胃蛋白酶检测试剂盒    1 比色法                         Azathioprine 货号9536-500

NG0404  胰蛋白酶检测试剂盒    1 比色法                        

NG0405  碱性磷酸酶AKP检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0406  酸性磷酸酶ACP检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0407  前列腺酸性磷酶PACP检测试剂盒    1 比色法                        

NG0408  谷氨酰胺合成酶GS检测试剂盒 1 比色法                        

NG0409  腺苷脱氨酶ADA检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0410  唾液酸SA检测试剂盒 1 比色法                        

NG0411  细胞凋亡TdT介导的原位末端切口平移双标记法检测试剂盒      1 TUNEL                          

NG0412  维生素EVE检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0413  维生素CVC检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0414  维生素B1VB1检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

NG0415  维生素B2VB2检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

NG0416  总氨基酸TAA检测试剂盒      1 比色法                        

NG0417  苹果酸脱氢酶检测试剂盒    1 紫外比色法                        

NG0418  羟脯氨酸样本前处理    1                            

NG0419  羟脯氨酸Hyp检测试剂盒   1 比色法                         Azathioprine 货号9536-500

NG0420  D-木糖检测试剂盒     1 比色法                        

NG0421  糖化血清蛋白GSP检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

NG0422  糖化血红蛋白GHb检测试剂盒   1 比色法                        

133111    NeXtalStock Sodium fluoride (200)             CNY                           

9018540  Kit, installation, Qsym           CNY                           

9240672  Kerk Nut, Common, AP        CNY                           

9240658  Pump, Vacuum, Jun-Air, AP         CNY                           

9240642  Cable Assy, Proteinase K Pump, AP196/98          CNY                           

9240638  Opto Sensor, Reagent Pump, AP          CNY                           

9240617  Fuse, 2.0A, FNM, AP96        CNY                           

9240589  MAC Valve, 4-Way, Cent. Locator, AP96             CNY                           

9240560  Rotor/Buckets, Eppendorf, AP196/98          CNY                           

9240554  Bucket Grease, Eppendorf, AP196/98          CNY                           

9240523  Cable, Motor, Axis #0, Dispense, AP98        CNY                            Azathioprine 货号9536-500

9240507  Software & Std. Protocols, AP196              CNY                           

9240377  QIAcube, Installation     The Installation, QIAcube facilitates the quick implementation of the QIACube into the lab routine by minimizing the instrument start-up phase. It covers the hardware and software installation of the QIAcube instrument and provides the user with an introductory training on operation and user maintenance. The installation includes labor and travel costs. The performance of the installation process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.    CNY                           

9239571  BR Universal, Basic Agreement     The Basic Cover Agreement BR Universal provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Universal System. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.       CNY                           

9239570  BR Universal, Premium Agreement       The Premium Cover Agreement BR Universal provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Universal System. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day). CNY                           

9020032  FOOTSET, RGQ           CNY                           

9019986  PCB, small breakout, 12 core, C12              CNY                           

9019479  UPPER BUFFER LID GS             CNY                           

9238864  BR M48, Premium Agreement       The Premium Cover Agreement M48 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot M48. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day). CNY                           

9238852  LiquiChip, Basic Agreement   The Basic Cover Agreement LiquiChip provides full service coverage for the LiquiChip workstation. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.       CNY                           

9241224  QIAxcel, Inspection Service  "Repair service delivery not applicable

Service response time (repair) not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: not included

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: Yes, included"       CNY                           

9241197  Silicone sealant, RTV 108, QX             CNY                           

9241183  Sensor, Y, with cable, QX             CNY                           

9233329  Belt, tooth, X-drive, BR8000         CNY                           

9233299  Toothbelt, X-drive, P3xx1            CNY                           

9233276  Motor, bar-code camera, Y-motor         CNY                           

9233272  LabHand motor (Plato 1***)         CNY                            Azathioprine 货号9536-500

9237711  #BR M48, Installation           CNY                           

9237164  Bezel XYP             CNY                           

9237161  Adapter Vertical Height          CNY                            






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