您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货
【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】齐一生物试剂盒组分经过重重优化,每个组分的稳定性都完美的经过高温破坏测验,最大程度的避免了长途运输和保存过程中抗原抗体的失活.凭借其完美的标曲、严格的质控、较高的稳定性,在科研之路科研试剂领域中脱颖而出深受研究工作者们的青睐齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9238626 Opto-Encoder CNY 【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9238625 Eprom and controller 4K15, Zent3C CNY
9241828 Pyro Q96 MDa, Premium Agreement "Repair service delivery: onsite
Service response time (repair): 24 hours/1 business day
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for Repair Parts: yes, included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, included
Cost coverage for travel: yes, included
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included
Transportation cost coverage: not applicable" CNY
9241122 Superlube CNY
9241007 QIArent&go - Rent out fee QIAcube CNY
9240985 PCB, drive, cooling device, Qsym CNY
9240982 Sensor, x, sample tracking, Qsym CNY
9240951 Support, cable, portal, Qsym CNY
9234820 Manual, user, QS 4.0, Int CNY
9240768 Signal Conditioner, Centrifuge, AP96 CNY
9240764 DC Output Module 8NPT, 3AMP, AP96 CNY
6000-5003 Duraseal Sealing Film CNY
9241781 RGQ, Full Agreement, no PM "Repair service delivery: send to Regional Repair Center
Service response time (repair): 7-10 days turnaround time
Periodic inspection/maintenance: not included
Inspection/maintenance delivery: not applicable
Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, included
Cost coverage for travel: yes, included
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: yes, included (provision time 2 days)
Transportation cost coverage: yes, included" CNY
9241776 QIAgility, Inspection Service "The Annual Inspection Service, QIAgility is an on-site equipment service, performed by a QIAGEN service specialist.
All required testing material and certified equipment is provided by the service specialist.
During the half day-long procedure, all application-critical modules of the QIAgility are inspected and tested and a pipetting head calibration is conducted. Test results are documented in a GMP/GLP-compliant Visit Report." CNY
9241756 IQ/OQ Services, QIAsymphony Instrument qualification support service for the QIAsymphony. The product contains the Installation Qualification (IQ)/Operation Qualification (OQ) documentation and the performance of the qualification protocols (travel and labor costs included). CNY
9237126 Upgrade App., PCR Setup CNY
9237093 Training, Extension day Additional days of training may be purchased during the week of the site visit upon request. CNY 【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9236426 Board, arm interconnect, TWI CNY
9236421 Switch, firmware loading, TWI CNY
9236359 Sheath Filter with Quick Disconnect CNY
9236346 1.5A Fuse LiquiChip CNY
9236338 Quick disconnect Set CNY
9236164 Syringe block, repl. kit, RapidPlate CNY
9236153 Locator Plate, Tips, pos 2, BR RP CNY
9235698 Cable 24V, RCS1 CNY
9235296 Capillary, Dispenser head, Mounting Tool CNY
9235054 Incubator Tower (65°C) Board CNY
9234941 Incubator Tower (65°C) Board DINCS CNY
9238658 Cooling compressor T2178GK, 50Hz CNY
9242060 Adapter plate, IQ/OQ, QS CNY
9242026 Repair Thermo, Depot Repair, Palm Cycler CNY
9241824 Pyro Q96 MD, Full Agreement The Full Agreement, PyM provides full service coverage for the PyroMark instrument. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one on-site inspection service, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a response time of 2 working days. CNY
QY-x1214 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞HEC-1-A
QY-x1215 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞HEC-1-B
QY-x1216 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞AN3 CA
QY-x1217 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞KLE
QY-x1218 人宫颈癌细胞HeLa
QY-x1219 人Hela细胞耐药亚株(Hela/DDP)Hela
QY-x1220 人宫颈癌细胞(HPV-18 永生化细胞)HeLa229
QY-x1221 人宫颈癌细胞Hela P10s-11F
QY-x1222 人宫颈癌细胞HeLa-S3
QY-x1223 人宫颈癌细胞SiHa
QY-x1224 宫颈癌细胞HCE1
QY-x1225 人宫颈癌细胞CaSKi
QY-x1226 人子宫内膜癌细胞RL95-2 【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】
QY-x1227 人子宫鳞癌细胞(高分化)HCC 94
QY-x1228 人子宫颈癌细胞C-33A
QY-x1229 人前列腺癌细胞PC-3
QY-x1230 人前列腺癌细胞PC-3M
QY-x1231 人前列腺癌细胞高转移亚系PC-3M 1E8
QY-x1232 人前列腺癌细胞高转移亚系PC-3M 2B4
QY-x1233 人前列腺癌细胞DU-145
QY-x1234 人前列腺癌细胞UI-1
QY-x1235 人前列腺癌细胞22RV1
QY-x1236 前列腺癌细胞LncaP
QY-x1237 非雄激素依赖型前列腺癌Tsu-Prl
QY-x1238 人胎盘绒毛癌细胞JAR
QY-x1239 人绒癌细胞JEG-3
QY-x1240 人绒毛膜癌JEG
QY-x1241 人胎盘绒膜癌细胞BeWo
QY-x1242 人绒癌细胞耐药株JEG-3/VP16 【兔骨保护素(OPG)ELISA试剂盒现货】
QY-x1243 白介素-2转染耐VP16绒癌细胞JEG-3/VP16-IL-2
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