您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货
【牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货】科研之路。您我并肩同行!欢迎各科研单位在各种项目上与齐一生物公司开展不同层次的密切合作,以双赢求发展,共同进步,为中国科研检测事业的发展积累经验。齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
QM101-09 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml
QM101-12 10x JumpStart Buffer 热启动缓冲液(不含酶) 1ML
QM101-14 2 x SY Green qPCR Mix 50200
QM201-1 2×Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 1ml5×1ml
QM201-3 2×Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 1ml5×1ml
QM201-5 2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-7 2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml 【牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货】
QM201-9 2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-11 2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-13 2×Long Taq PCR Master Mix(含染料) 0.5m
QM201-15 2×Long Taq PCR Master Mix(不含染料) 0.5m
QM201-17 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5m
QM201-19 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5m
QM301-1 超纯 dNTP Mixture(2.5 mM each) 1ML
QM301-4 超纯 dNTP Mixture(10 mM each) 1ML
QM301-5 dATP 100mMsolution 0.25 ml
QM301-6 dCTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-7 dGTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-8 dTTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-9 PCR enhancer 100μ
QT101-4 TUREscript 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(第一链反转录试剂盒) 2050
QT101-1 TUREscript H Minus M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase 5000U
QT101-6 TUREscript One Step RT-PCR Kit(一步法反转录试剂盒) 2050 【牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货】
QT101-8 TUREscript SY Green qRT-PCR Kit (两步法荧光定量反转录试剂盒) 2050
QD101-1 DNA MarkerⅠ(条带100.200.300.400.500.600) "50T
QD101-3 DNA Marker Ⅱ(条带100.300.500.700.900.1200) "50T
QD101-5 DNA Marker Ⅲ(条带300.500.800.1500.2000.3000.5000) "50T
QD101-7 DNA Marker Ⅳ(条带500.1000.1500.3000.5000.8000) "50T
QD101-9 DNA Marker Ⅴ(条带200.400.700.1000.1500.2000) "50T
QD101-11 DNA MarkerⅥ(条带250.1000.2500.5000.7000.10000) "50T
9240737 Disinfectant Spray, Conflikt, AP CNY 【牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货】
5000-1413 Knob RB673STKWL Black, VTX2 CNY
9240698 Cap, Waste Bottle, Modified, AP CNY
9243655 Addl Unit or Protocol, Comp. Valid Supp Each additional instrument (EZ1, QIAgility, QIAsymphony, QIAcube, Rotor-Gene Q) to be included in the Comprehensive validation service catalog no(s). Scope of work defined from the primary unit utilized in the Comprehensive Validation Support. Refer to the primary part number for additional information. Quantity of additional units is defined by the number of instruments undergoing a Performance Check study to the primary unit utilized in validation. CNY
1024481 #LCX Vacuum System Holds 24 QIAamp Maxi columns includes connectors, tubing, waste bottles, vacuum gauge, filters, tray, user manual. CNY
9241221 RCS, Installation RCS Installation facilitates the quick start up of the RCS into the lab routine. It covers hardware and software installation of the system and provides the user with an introductory training on operation and user maintenance. Installation includes labor and travel costs. The performance of the installation process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document. CNY
330025 Microbial DNA qPCR Assays CNY
9022438 USB Ethernet Adaptor, PyroQ96 CNY
274202 flocktype IBDV Ab (2) CNY
270805 cattletype MAP Ab (20) CNY
287015 cador M. hyopneumoniae PCR Reagent (96) CNY
285815 cador Leptospira PCR Reagent (96) CNY
285205 cador B. hyodysenteriae PCR Kit (96) CNY
273001 pigtype Salmonella Ab (1) CNY
9020579 Jumper, Main Board J5, DML 3000 CNY
9020590 PCB Assy, Controller, DML 3000 CNY
9015908 Upg. Kit, Tubing Protection, BR8 (ISI25) CNY 【牛甲状腺素(T4)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9235642 High-speed shaker unit, BR8000 CNY
9013227 Ferri-Sheld f. Y-flatband CNY
9013215 ZLV Screws, plastic, M3 (20) CNY
9013201 Tubing,release val.auto vac,BR8000 v1.00 CNY
9011704 Cable, PCON98 to AC-box (L1), BR8000 CNY
132603 NeXtal Stock Propylene glycol (50) 100% v/v Propylene glycol - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
800302 Heterozygote detection, manual CNY
132539 NeXtal Stock di-Potassium phosphate (50) 3M di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
132530 NeXtal Stock Cesium sulfate (50) 1M Cesium sulfate - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
337842 qBiomarker SYBR ROX FAST Mastermix (12) CNY
679923 ipsogen RT Kit (33) CE CNY
180432 GeneRead DNA Library I Core Kit (12) CNY
159332 Harris UNI-CORE 6.00 mm Punch Kit (4) CNY
159134 QIAsafe DNA Blood Tubes (50) CNY
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